Just wanted to keep everyone updated

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:thankyou: Checked them this morning, all looking great and starting to get a little bit of fur on them, I think I'll try and hold them tonight, but I don't know, I don't want to do anything wrong.
Popples look fragile, but they are incredibly tough. Don't be afraid to hold them, but do it over the nest box in case one "pops" out of your hand. They are squirmy little guys! Have fun, Logan... You're off to a terrific start! :D
Yep, they should be fine, but they can jump out of anyones's hand......trust us.... it has happened to all of us, so you want them over something soft.
*sigh* I confess... we've been handling all of our popples daily! (Two kids, what do you expect?) I take it as an opportunity to look them over, make sure everybunny's fat and active, and nobunny's injured or suffering from diarrhea.

We take the box they're in and put it on the bed. The kids get in the middle of the bed, and I hand them each a popple after I look it over. While they cuddle their favorites, I slowly unload the rest of them into a "nest" I make with my very nice, warm, terry-lined robe (yes, my robe is now covered with fur and popple pee! :shock: ) I straighten the nest, making sure it's in the corner of the box so Pearl doesn't land on them when she hops in. I didn't do this yesterday, and I heard her jump in last night, and one of the babies started complaining VERY LOUDLY! :lol:

I make sure the kids hold the babies very low, right over the bed. That way, there isn't far to fall, and they land on a soft surface. And yes, at five days old, they hop out of their hands quite regularly! They were doing it by three days. Day two, they weren't hopping out, but they were flipping out of my son's hands.