Just wanted to keep everyone updated

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Me too. I'm super excited to get back to my dads and see what she has for me.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:22 pm __________<br /><br />Just heard news from my rabbit catetaker hehe, and Jackie(the doe) has succesfully had her babies!! Didn't get too much detail, all I know is that the kits are alive and in their nest box, and hopefully will continue to live until I get back to my dads. I am super excited!!!
Way to go, Jackie! And, good for you, too, for not getting discouraged and giving up. Be sure to post pictures when you get a chance?

I know, just talked to my caretaker, he said, they have a nest, he doesn't deal with rabbits so he doesn't know much, but what I got from what he was saying is that they ARE covered in fur, he hasn't really taken a good look at them though, he said he saw 2 babies, but he didn't really look, like I said. Will post pictures ASAP.<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:47 am __________<br /><br />Fantastic news! Went back to my dads, went straight up to Jackie and I find a wonderful nest and the babies completely covered in fur, momma did very well with the nest. I have 5 or 6 (couldn't really tell) beautiful popples about 1-2 days old, I'm guessing 2 because they have about a mm of hair. They are adorable, one I think is going to be a broken black with like a brown, red head, another is broken black, some are solid, they are sooooo cute! I am so happy!!! :mbounce: :mbounce: :mbounce:
Thank you very much! What do you mean "someone to watch?<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:08 am __________<br /><br />When can I start handling the little poppples? I've been wondering that, I just think they are adorable and am wanting to hold them very much so. You should have seen her nest, it was beautiful, I loved it, she used a ton of fur too, my doe looks WAY skinnier now too, she seems to get very big when she has popples. Over the course of her gestation, I sometimes wonder if she is a mini rex, then when she has her popples, its like woah!
That's WONDERFUL news, Logan! You must be sooooo happy!

You can handle the kits from Day 1... just don't overdo it. Taking the box out to check that all are alive, healthy and full of milk is a good thing to do every day or every two days. I like to hold each one briefly to check it. Just don't keep them out long enough to get chilled.

When you get close to the time when their eyes open (say, around Day 9) it is a good idea to change their bedding, just saving the clean fur to put over them. If Jackie has pulled extra fur, take a bit of it and save it in a clean baggie for the clean-out day. Just be careful not to take too much. It is always good to have some fur in reserve just in case, but as I mentioned before you can also use dryer lint, feathers from a pillow, fluffed cotton balls or batting or even shredded newspaper.

Hope they all thrive for you. Enjoy!
bigbrologan":3pmu62sq said:
Thank you very much! What do you mean "someone to watch?

I mean that I think that you'll do big things in the rabbit world. Hey, when you're famous, I can say, "I knew him when . . ."

Thank you so much Kathleen, I want to continue with rabbits for the rest of my life, I might even consider having a full time rabbitry when I'm older, but I'll just see how it goes. I just love rabbits, they are incredible and I will always cherish them forever.