It's been a difficult start

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2013
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I started this new adventure in February with four rabbits, they were four different breeds also. (NZ-doe, Cali/mix-doe, Dutch-buck, and MiniRex-buck. The does I found on CL, the bucks I purchased from my local Big R ) I am now down to one (NZ) from the beginning, a new 12wk cali/flem buck and 7 offspring of one successful breed before I lost my original bucks. My NZ aka Alice was breed with the Mini Rex. I am not real certain yet on the sex of the offspring. Here are some pics of the herd for now. I am finding that Rabbits are much more delicate than chickens


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Keep up on it, it will come around! I lost my first few litters because I got stock I didn't realize has health issues, and a couple of my breeders died for those health reasons. Another I lost because I didn't catch a hairball in time. (I mostly do angoras) It's not easy when you first start, but it will get better. You'll learn as you go and figure out how to prevent things as well as how to take care of them if they do happen. Also, you'll learn how to pick healthy stock that suits your needs.

Your pics look great. I bet you'll have better luck with what you've got now, chin up :)
Thank you for the words of encouragement :) I am thinking about keeping two of the baby does, since I lost my other cali/doe and dispatching the rest to freezer camp. They are slow growing, I figure it's because of their smaller father. They just turned 10 weeks old.
I don't know of a single rabbit breeder who hasn't lost at least one. We all learn from it.

The rabbits in those pics look great!
Hi LoraAnn!


There is a bit of a learning curve with rabbits. Fortunately, you have found, without a doubt, the BEST forum on the 'net for help in raising rabbits, and specifically raising rabbits for meat! :p

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Our members are a knowledgeable and friendly bunch, and will help you in any way they can... especially since you have already racked up some points by posting pictures! ;)

The kits look like a healthy and happy bunch! My rabbits would be insanely jealous if they saw those pics with all that grass... we had a terrible year with very little precipitation, so my poor rabbits didn't get much in the way of weeds and grass this spring.

I think you will see much better growth in the kits from your NZ and Cal/Flemmie buck. Flemish have heavy bone, so I would select the finer-boned kits as your keepers from the breeding.

Good luck! And, again, welcome to RabbitTalk! :)
Those pictures are great! And the learning curve on rabbits is steep and not always fun but always VERY interesting :D
keep up the good work, I just dispached my 1st rabbit over the weekend. She was sick and a bad mamma. I breed 2 at the same time, had 15 kits and now down to 7 after a week. Hugh learning curve for me! :)

We went through so many ups and downs when we first started too. Hang in there, the more you learn, the easier it becomes. Read lots here, and you'll learn alot!!
LoraAnnIN - As many have said - don't be discouraged! I too just started with rabbits and am going through a learning curve. This forum has been a great resource for me and if you do have questions ask! There are so many people on this forum willing to help! I gotta agree with MamaSheepDog that you have found the best forum!

Loved the photos as well!
There is one tan doe(?) in the batch that I am thinking of keeping since I lost one of the two beginning does. I did like the breeding of two at the same time. The one that lost kits at birth, is also the one the died unexpectedly 8 weeks later. I guess it was for the best, huh? I'm unsure yet what claimed her life, maybe snuffles although she never sneezed much. I need a good way to weigh out these rascals, and see how close they are getting to size.

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