it's a pleasure to belong to rabbittalk

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Active member
May 24, 2013
Reaction score
warren grove n.j.
It is an absolute pleasure to belong to rabbittalk. Everyone is so supportive and upbeat. Everybody helps one another with tips and ideas and it is indeed a breath of fresh air. Thanks to you all. I raise Thriantas and have recently had three litters. We also raise goats, both pygmys and nubian crosses. I soon hope to get some new zealand reds and flemish giants.I have four more does ready to kindle next week. Hope things go well as the weather is still up and down. Thanks again for all the tips and positive posts. Until next time, Bill(Goatmare Farms and Bunnymare rabbitry)
Hi Willie!


I was so happy when I found this forum! I believe I joined in less than 24 hours. That is saying a lot, because I think I had only joined one Yahoo forum prior, which went nowhere, and I can count on one hand the forums I have joined.

This really is a special place from what I have gathered by member's comments- apparently there is a lot of strife elsewhere. :x

We strive to be polite and accepting of different methods of raising rabbits, and have fun doing it!

Enjoy browsing the threads, and if you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask. :)

Congrats on your Thrianta litters! You should post some pics in "Random Rabbit Ramblings" so we can "ooh and ahh" over your wed wabbits!

We would love to see pics of your goat kids in "Our Other Animals" as well!
willie":3g2pcnol said:
I soon hope to get some new zealand reds and flemish giants.I have four more does ready to kindle next week.

Aagh! You just pressed my envy button.
When I get enough of all the drama in the swedish rabbit forums (there's a lot right now, pet people and meat people are trying to get along but a few individuals just wants to ruin it)... then I go here and relax in good company without having to watch my back all the time. It's great :)
Welcome to RabbitTalk! :welcomewagon:

I love this forum, too... I was a member of another one first (still am), but I hardly go there. This one is much more laid-back. More fun. :)
At Maggie's suggestion, I visited this site.

It took about 10 seconds to realize a unique difference.
The next minute or so, took up my time joining.

Best few minutes I've ever spent on the internet.

I too was on another forum and it wasn't as helpful or friendly. They seemed to pick me out for wanting to house rabbits outdoors and I am considering eating/breeding meat rabbits. Two things they don't like. So I tried this forum and have had no problems what so ever.
Ivory":2pe3r0hs said:
willie":2pe3r0hs said:
I soon hope to get some new zealand reds and flemish giants.I have four more does ready to kindle next week.

Aagh! You just pressed my envy button.

When I first started raising rabbits I checked out numerous rabbit forums. Rt is the only one I staid with.
Yeah for RT!
Hello everyone!! I am a newbie to posting. Never joined a forum until now. I just started raising rabbits a couple of months ago. It started out a litte hard since I had so many questions and no one to ask. As soon as I found this forum I couldn't stop reading all the posts!! So informative and helpful!! Have a great day everyone and Peaches!! :)
It's so nice that our members are happy with RabbitTalk. When we first started to build a forum for rabbit people of all types, we were not sure it would work. Could pet rabbit people, show rabbit people and meat rabbit people get along? It is so gratifying to see that the common ground of love of rabbits along with the respect and friendliness of our members has overcome these differences. My thanks to all of you! :)
Hello Mountain spice!

:welcome: to RabbitTalk!

You may want to post a bit about yourself and your rabbits and why you are raising them here: welcome-to-rabbittalk-f4.html

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have!

Many topics have already been discussed in great detail, as you have no doubt noticed in your reading. Each forum has a search function located at the bottom of the page to make researching a topic easy. Simply enter key words and the relevant posts will appear. :)
Welcome Mountain Spice!!! :)

MaggieJ, after an awkward conversation the other day (mother-in-law asked what I do with my culls. I had the poor taste to tell the truth.) I reached a conclusion...the world aught to learn from RT. :) We should all be happy we have rabbits as a common ground, be they for pet, for show or for meat! :) Or any combo therein, my pet bunny Breezy, who should kindle soon and I'm hoping for a show bunny out of the litter, the rest for the table. ;)
Actually I hold RT as an example in that Swedish forum. I - and a few others - are trying to get that forum more open. It's supposed to be ''for ALL rabbit people" and does have a category for meat rabbits, which untill recently was locked and hidden away. I've tried to work for a cooperation between pet people and meat people there (RT is wonderful, but I'd love a forum in my own language as well) and although the moderators try to make it open, and most members don't mind.. there's still a small patch of people that ruins it by interfering in every, single thread. Like "What cagesize should my meatmutts have?" gets repllies like "Don't post that here! What makes you think you have the right to abuse rabbits for food?" etc... and it's not taken cared of. :/ Sad to say, RT is unique, it sems impossible to get this standard on any other place.

I appreciate how pet people and meat people can meet and talk across the purposes, I think that sort of acceptance to other people and their purposes prevents discrimination and bullying in other areas as well. And it sure gives a new depth to the rabbit keeping, only hanging ''with your own kind" can often end up pretty closed and boring. But not here :)
This forum really is amazing. Not only is everyone civil, and pet, show, and meat people get along, but everyone is willing to answer any questions, and answers come quickly. I've learned so much from this forum!!
I agree. This forum is the best asset on the internet when it comes to rabbits.

Almost every question I type in Google .. it's always the rabbit talk threads poppin up. I always clink those links to read here first. :shock:

This is an excellent resource for newbies searching via Google, no doubt.
I even feel like this forum is unique not just to rabbits, but in general...a lot of forums are horribly hostile, drama-filled cesspools, no matter what the subject is. RT is just the best. :)