Yes, my other Brittney bites toads, then does the foamy mouth/shaking head thing. Never learns. So stupid. I think it is an instinct thing for her. Something moves, she catches it. Night after night.I so did not mean to imply you don’t value your pups, not at all. I just know that for many, dogs are both workers and companions, and I was trying to draw the distinction that mine have never been expected to be working animals. They’re like spoilt children in a way.
I’m way softer with them than is probably practical, because of where we live and the inherent wildlife dangers. Of which I was reminded last night, when the littlest dog decided to have a lick of neurotoxic toad {sigh}. Fortunately the first aid for that is rinse mouth, gums with running water for several minutes, then observe the comedy that is a dog on a wild acid toad trip.
I totally added Toad Hunter & Assassin to my resume after he was back to normal function. Found two hiding on the patio & dispached them.
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