Im sad

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Active member
Apr 20, 2012
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my girls live in a colony. I found a single kit on the floor of the shed. it was cold but alive. I put it in the nest box and wondered who's it was. I blocked off the outside enterance and found blood (about a teaspoon)a few hours later, more a few hours later. I was thinking she was having them and then eating them. I did notice the single kit was getting fed. this morning I found a lot of blood mixed with urine. one of the does had blood on her, I thought she was suffering so I culled her. I opened her up and found 5 more kits. there were two the size of a week old kit. There is no way that she could have passed them. I am hoping that the other doe will adopt the singleton. she is due any day now.
What ladysown said! It was a blessing to the poor doe that you relieved her misery. Fingers crossed for Singleton!
So good that you were paying such close attention! If you hadn't been so attentive, she truly would have died horribly. You really saved that poor doe from a lot of pain.

Hope the singleton can make it until the other doe kindles!

If you want, you can mix up a little sugar water, or corn syrup and a little water, or even sugar or corn syrup, an egg yolk, and a little water, and try to give it a half a drop at a time with an eyedropper, to help it keep its strength. :clover:
thank you everyone for your kind words. The singleton is still alive. The other doe must have milk even without kindling. it moves quite a bit. every time I see it it is in a different spot.