New member
I've been stalking the forums for a while but now I'm finally a member. We bought 23 acres of land a year ago and have been trying to become self sufficient as much as possible. We started with meat rabbits and chickens. Everything is new to me. Everything. However I've successfully raised a few liters now and none of my grown rabbits have had any serious issues. We even butchered and ate our first group of rabbits a few months ago and plan to process another batch in a few weeks. We named our homestead Sweet Baby Acres. My husband works full time for New York State and I'm a stay at home mom due with my fourth baby in November. Most of the homestead stuff falls to me, which I knew would happen and I was prepared for it. Any advice or tips are appreciated! I'm revamping my cage system to be all wire for easier cleaning and sanitation and I plan to hang them in the barn. Currently they're sitting on wood stands I built which are disgusting after the whole summer. My grow outs are all in a tractor in the yard and they love it. I love seeing them so happy even if it takes a little longer for them to grow to butchering weight. I have 4 does and 2 bucks at the moment that I'm rotating for breeding, two does at a time. I will be stopping breeding before I have my own baby and then starting again in time to have babies for sale by Easter.
So that's a little bit of background info. I look forward to learning from you all!
So that's a little bit of background info. I look forward to learning from you all!