I need some help with a color please !

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Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
La Rochelle
Hi everyone

I have a problem to identify a rabbit color! It's a little hard to define ! I'd like to know if you could see my pictures and tell me your impression! Maybe you'll find the mystery !

I have a little rabbit (french lop ? I'm not sure how you call it ) and me and my friends disagree on her color Her mother is Opal and his father is lilac She's only 2 month old ! On the pictures you can see her fully, her tommy, and I blow on her back . Problem is her father is carring gene steel (code is Es)

Excuse me for the mistakes I hope I'm quite clear and that you could give me your idea and help me on that subject !

I believe she is a lynx (also called lilac agouti) and that she does have the steel gene turning typical agouti markings like her belly and eye rings from white to cream

Genetically (international code ) Aa bb C_ dd Es_
Dood":a9ugdk2b said:
I believe she is a lynx (also called lilac agouti) and that she does have the steel gene turning typical agouti markings like her belly and eye rings from white to cream

Genetically (international code ) Aa bb C_ dd Es_

Lynx is A bb C dd E usually! I have an other lynx (her code is Aa bb Ccch dd E and she has White ears) indeed they're pretty close in coat color even if she has more white and more "rufus" (I really don't know how you call it in English it's the cinamon reflection)

But thanks for your answer, I share your opinion, I did not want to influence the answers indeed!

Some of my friends share the idea of a sort of grey lilac color same code as lynx but without polygene of intensity (what I called "rufus")
I don't you if you understand what I mean :oops: It's quite difficult to use good words :D (but I hardly word on it ;) )
If it's a true lynx, but an SOP lynx is actually a Fawn, with the non extension gene. A genetic Lynx has a blue undercoat, A_bbC_ddE_, but a SOP showable Lynx (Fawn) has a white undercoat, A_bbC_ddee.
skysthelimit":1hqh1x2b said:
If it's a true lynx, but an SOP lynx is actually a Fawn, with the non extension gene. A genetic Lynx has a blue undercoat, A_bbC_ddE_, but a SOP showable Lynx (Fawn) has a white undercoat, A_bbC_ddee.

Could you tell me what does SOP mean please ?

In fact, here in France the knowledge in genetic is low and really simplified ! We're using the same code but it's really incomplete! Many colors aren't recognice by the FFC (frend federation of rabbit production)it's really different!

I really find more answer in your system that's why I decided to join you :) !

For example what you called showable lynx here, we called it "fauve feh" (lilac fawn) and it's different from lynx, (I'll receive a little female rabbit A bb C dd ee next month exactly) !

Thanks for you're answer it's really usefull ! As you could guest, my goal is to make reproducing rabbits to product Lynx, what's why I really interested by this color in particular ;)
Looks like a lynx.... here's a comparison Opal photo. I get quite a few of them xD

These came out of Opal x Lynx. Full sisters, just two different litters.

GP Claudia Opal


GP Emelia
SOP stands for Standard Of Perfection and is what rabbits are judged against over here.

Unfortunately many colours have weird names and some rabbits have special names just for their breed - for example; in rex coated rabbits black agouti (A B C D E) is called castor but it is called chestnut in other breeds..

If you want lynx then you just need to breed out the steel gene. Since it is dominant this is easy to do.
Yeah, you have to watch those names. And we don't have as many recognized colors as there are overseas.
Dood":3q3n3yvc said:
SOP stands for Standard Of Perfection and is what rabbits are judged against over here.

Unfortunately many colours have weird names and some rabbits have special names just for their breed - for example; in rex coated rabbits black agouti (A B C D E) is called castor but it is called chestnut in other breeds..

If you want lynx then you just need to breed out the steel gene. Since it is dominant this is easy to do.

Thanks Dood !

Same thing in Europe!
Ex= A B C d E is Opal for you, Gris bleu for french, pearlfeh for the rest of Europe ^^ In fact french people are appart! We couldn't agree even with others francophiles and use the same word for the same color! It's complicated!

A B C D E is Garenne for us (like wild rabbits on nature)

Thanks Peach The Opal sisters are beautifull! :)<br /><br />__________ Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:47 pm __________<br /><br />I'd like to show you the evolution of my little one ^^
