I have such graceful dogs

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Gassaway, WV
I'm used to seeing my clobber-footed border collie/golden retriever mix, Dexter, doing very funny and ungraceful stunts in his most enthusiastic moments. I've also got a much more graceful chihuahua, Mason, or so I thought he was more graceful the way he prances around all the time. Had to share this one, because it was so funny it had me and my husband cracking up.

Mason loves to chase flies. Well just now he was so intent on chasing one that he ran head-first into a closed bedroom door. He wasn't hurt, but oh man, I bet it knocked him down a peg, snooty little thing that he is. :lol:
haha I can just imagine it happening! my bitch likes to chase flies, bees, butterflies, etc and doesn't always watch where she is going, too lol
One of our dogs is around 13 years old now, born and raised on the same property with the same maple tree in the front yard. Whenever someone walks by she still races across the front yard along the fence smack into the maple tree. That poor tree has had 13 years of steady abuse from that dog's hard head.
When she was a puppy Zami liked to chase butterflies and occasionally ran in to fences or once leaped in to a flowering bush and got stuck. She also used to chase squirrels so intently that momentum would carry her 5' up a tree before gravity won and she went splat. Luckily she gave it up before any serious injuries happened.
LOL!!! :lol: I can just picture the look on his face when he realized what had happened!!!