I got brave and used the horse paste

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garden lady

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
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Zoup was getting the messy looking ears again. I even wonder if it is ear mites and not wax. It does not look like the pictures I have seen, but she is scratching and itching her fur. She has dandruff looking stuff and a lot of hair is coming out, but it is more like a cat or dog shedding, no bald spots. Lulu is shedding, but no dandruff. Cream is now getting the dandruff like Zoup. Sunshine looks like the perfect rabbit with nothing wrong, but I gave her some too. The 5 kits, Snickers and Cream have watery eyes off and on. Sometimes both eyes, some one, some none and then starts again. Zoup, Lulu and Sunshine have never had a watery eye. I started opening the plastic on their doors and giving more air. I am going to take all the hay out and get a dish pan thing at the Dollar Store, put a hole in the bottom and tie it down to the wire and put a little hay for a bed. They have the litter boxes in the back and use them, so I have a zillion sacks of hay and horse bedding to compost. Back to the Ivermectin horse paste, I am to do it again in 10 days? If I did not get quite as much as pea size down them will it still work? How many days before I see results like not scratching with Zoup or her ears look cleaner? :?
I've used the 1% paste on GPs and rabbits, no issues. I thought it was in 2wk intervals. No idea how long before you see changes..
Ivomec, ivermectin 1% (the product sold for cattle and horses)
The tested dosage for rabbits is 0.018 cc per lb of live weight

10 lbs is .18 cc
5 lbs is .09 cc

Ivermectin paste 1.87%. It is double the strength of the liquid and hard to accurately measure a dose. But you don't need to give a lot... about the size of a grain of rice for every 5lb of bodyweight. But it is easier to overdose with the paste.

Repeat dose in 10-14 days.

People have reported good results putting it topically on the rabbits and into the ears too... but it hasn't been researched clinically.
To dose with the paste I usually diluted the dose for 250lbs of horse in to 22ml of water which makes 1mg per ml and it becomes measureable with no risk of overdose so long as you shake it up well. Propylene glycol is actually recommended over water for mixing better but I never had any trouble with water. You can get up to 5 doses out of a tube that way since they usually go to 1000-1250lbs and you using 250lbs at a time. The horse paste isn't so great topically because it's mixed with so much stuff it just makes a greasy animal and rubs off everywhere. Now the 1% liquid injectable can be use topically especially for ear problems quite easily and doesn't require dilution to measure.
I only add the pour-on/drench topically, use the paste oraly. But that's for rabbits and GPs. Use all three internally for hogs or pour/drench topically.
Haven't injected rabbits with anything but Gpen, if they are pastured, they don't need Probios of any kind or rather, they shouldn't.
I like the 1% injectible. you can use it orally, topically, IM... Whatever you need. I've only ever injected it in to a guinea pig who was nearly bald from mites to get him fast relief. Plus you never have to dilute it to measure accurately and a bottle treats about 250lbs of rabbit or guinea pig so while the expense is greater up front than a tube of horse paste I never run out. Very useful when I was doing guinea pig rescue and mites are so common we just treated everything that came in the door irregardless of showing symptoms.
I have a bottle of pour-on that I use to worm/demite pigs, chickens, guinea fowl, rabbits, ect. The bottle is definitely a better deal if you have many animals.
I'm completely ignorant but just reading the post, it almost sounds to me like allergies. Could it be?

The other thing that occurred to me was that she might need a bit of oil in her diet. One of our dogs develops really dry skin if we don't give him a little oil on a regular basis...without it, he has the dry hair and flaky skin.

Just my 2 cents that's probably not worth 2 cents, LOL
You can also buy Puppy & dog Revolution from the vet (usually without an exam fee, over the counter - depending on your vet) which is very effective and very safe. No risk of over dosing there and only one application is needed.

There is a chance of it being allergies... but if these are rabbits who were had no issues in the past.. and nothing has changed with regards to their care - then it is more likely mites. It always makes sense to treat for it anyway, and if anything rule that out first.

As for your dog getting itchy dry skin without oil. Its most likely diet related, rather than just a sensitive dog as most vets would have you believe. What are you feeding him?