I brought home Chickies

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Mar 19, 2014
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Keep in mind I'm typically terrified of chickens due to past horrible experiences.
I found these guys for sale for 2.50 each at the outdoor flea market...I almost brought home the goats.

Anyway we bought them to give to our piranhas, since we aren't supposed to have them in our city.
But I fancy one of the black and yellow chicks (last photo), might keep it.

I'll take better pictures later, no idea if boys or girls or what kind.
Didn't really care just thought they were cute. That's why I don't buy rabbits there anymore.




Cute chickies! :) My son was scared of chickens, but we wanted laying hens, so we raised them from chicks. We figured that if they slowly turned from tiny puffballs that he was not scared of into big chickens, maybe he could make the transition with them. He did, and can be found carrying our rooster around, as well as some of the hens. :roll:
Miss M":ex7cli6w said:
Cute chickies! :) My son was scared of chickens, but we wanted laying hens, so we raised them from chicks. We figured that if they slowly turned from tiny puffballs that he was not scared of into big chickens, maybe he could make the transition with them. He did, and can be found carrying our rooster around, as well as some of the hens. :roll:

Thanks! These guys haven't nipped me or bit me or anything so I'm super excited about that. We had one a while back that was just all out mean to me and when we got him I was scared then too, the biggest issue came from being chased by them to the point of having to climb a tree to get away. I'm also scared of ducks, parrots (we have two though, both are the reason I'm scared of them), swans (esp. swans) and most birds. I don't know where or why it started but birds terrify me. Except these chickens
Well if you get a rooster Rhode island red and got a barred rock hen you can get these guys


I have a friend who has a few there interesting to look at since they mostly have barred rock's they call them black star chickens

I want some chickens of my own but to many neighbors and they would call the city on me
Lizardslaps":3n952wm9 said:
I want some chickens of my own but to many neighbors and they would call the city on me

Just because your neighbor says that doesn't mean it's actually illegal. :roll:

Even our newspaper regularly posts blatantly incorrect or strait out false information about our right to have them.
Every now and then I have locals "warn" me about them based on things they have heard or read in "the paper."

My husband went to the courthouse a few years ago and asked for a copy of the city ordinances. The hen house must be 25 feet away from a dwelling. An open poultry yard, 60 feet away.

We don't keep roosters, to be polite, and no city official or officer has ever had anything to say about our girls ;)
I'm not sure what Detroit's rules on chickens are. Colorado Springs you are allowed to have up to 10 chickens, but no roosters. it's the same with rabbits. you can have up to 10 rabbits. if you want both chickens and rabbits you cant have more than 10 combined. I always thought it funny that in a city of 400,000 we can have chickens. but the majority of small towns do not allow you to have chickens. ASPCA says if you have chickens you need to have at least three. since they are social creatures. You can get charged with animal cruelty if you have less. The biggest issue is making sure you keep the coop clean. If you keep the coop clean there will be no smell. And if you mix a little food grade diotomacious earth in with their food it will take care of getting rid of worms and keeps flies from laying eggs in their poop. we had 4 chickens at one time. three were very friendly and one was very territorial. our neighbors were worried when we first got them. But then they said they didn't even notice they were their because the neighborhood dogs were loud, but the chickens were quiet. And we would occasionally give the neighbors eggs too. some people have chickens as house pets. their are chicken diapers you can buy, or you can modify a face mask to collect their poop.
I'm allowed to have up to 20 chickens (I guess since they mean LF then I can have 40 bantams), and a rooster if there is no noise issue. :lol: After my little expansion, I have 13 with 2 cockerels. :mrgreen:

Now that I look at the two black and white chicks, I realize they may also be Silver Laced Wyandottes:

CDiana":2kp5bfen said:
I'm not sure what Detroit's rules on chickens are. Colorado Springs you are allowed to have up to 10 chickens, but no roosters. it's the same with rabbits. you can have up to 10 rabbits. if you want both chickens and rabbits you cant have more than 10 combined. I always thought it funny that in a city of 400,000 we can have chickens. but the majority of small towns do not allow you to have chickens. ASPCA says if you have chickens you need to have at least three. since they are social creatures. You can get charged with animal cruelty if you have less. The biggest issue is making sure you keep the coop clean. If you keep the coop clean there will be no smell. And if you mix a little food grade diotomacious earth in with their food it will take care of getting rid of worms and keeps flies from laying eggs in their poop. we had 4 chickens at one time. three were very friendly and one was very territorial. our neighbors were worried when we first got them. But then they said they didn't even notice they were their because the neighborhood dogs were loud, but the chickens were quiet. And we would occasionally give the neighbors eggs too. some people have chickens as house pets. their are chicken diapers you can buy, or you can modify a face mask to collect their poop.

Well to my knowledge Detroit isn't allowed any livestock type animals but we border Detroit in Redford and I know we're not to have pigs but we're allowed Chickens, no Roosters. I finally looked it up for myself rather than taking my other half's word on it. What bothers me is under "Max Chickens Allowed" Poultry not specifically defined, but does state max of 3 domesticated animals. I'm way above this limit already, with dogs alone. :x

We have them in the basement right now as temporary means, we plan to turn the little garage into a coop or hutch if not a means of both.

Here's what I found

Sec. 18-12. Rabbits and poultry. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, possess or harbor any rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese or other poultry, unless the same are kept in a sanitary condition, free of offensive odors, and in an enclosed yard or coop which shall be located not less than 30 feet from the street line or any adjacent property line.

This is murder, I can't have chickens or rabbits with this information. Unless I keep my rabbits in the basement which is easily done. It's a good thing we bought them for Piranha food then. :/
It is VERY difficult to tell what breed a young chick is. I have chicks hatching as I type this- the parents are a mix of purebred lavender and buff orpingtons. So far, two chicks are lavender on top and buff underneath, one is a black/red mix, and two are reddish brown. I have no clue what they are going to grow to look like, and truthfully, as long as they are good layers and setters, I don't really care.

(Don't tell that to Bernie, the first born lavender/buff chick. She might be offended and not want to hang out in my lap any more :) )
Marinea":24zd1ki2 said:
It is VERY difficult to tell what breed a young chick is. I have chicks hatching as I type this- the parents are a mix of purebred lavender and buff orpingtons. So far, two chicks are lavender on top and buff underneath, one is a black/red mix, and two are reddish brown. I have no clue what they are going to grow to look like, and truthfully, as long as they are good layers and setters, I don't really care.

(Don't tell that to Bernie, the first born lavender/buff chick. She might be offended and not want to hang out in my lap any more :) )

Lavender Orpingtons? *Sigh* Any chance of bringing a few up to PA? :lol: I have Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons. They are both such docile and sweet tempered breeds. <3 :love:
I have been looking for a few chicks all spring, but all I can find are barred rocks, sex links, rhode island reds and other such.
None will do.
I must have Orpingtons.
I know nothing of chickens I mean, I've figured out / read how to feed them and keep them but I can't distinguish between types, or breeds. Until recently all chickens were chickens that I took for granted they were birds that reminded me of raptors that attacked me (and now I'm ashamed I thought that way). Because we live in a neighborhood where our properties sit right up against each other and we are right off a major road, keeping chickens may be impossible despite my desire for home raised chickens and super fresh eggs. -sigh- Convincing my other half to up and move is hard, he takes care of his step-father and I don't think I'm capable of moving on my own yet. I'll spare the drama. :oops:
Zass":9vf2ituz said:
Lavender Orpingtons? *Sigh* Any chance of bringing a few up to PA? :lol: I have Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons. They are both such docile and sweet tempered breeds. <3 :love:
I have been looking for a few chicks all spring, but all I can find are barred rocks, sex links, rhode island reds and other such.
None will do.
I must have Orpingtons.

We have been through many a breed in our 13 years of having chickens, and Orpingtons are all I care to have now. I would love to have a variety of colors, and it looks like with this hatching, I will have my wish. I still have three eggs to hatch tomorrow :)

The lavenders are a new addition this past year, and I have found them to be good layers, so-so setters, and a good deal larger than my buffs. I will get some pics of the flock and the new chicks in the next day or so.
Do you have to give piranhas live food or will they eat frozen/killed food? Just curious; I hadn't heard of feeding chicks to piranhas before! I would have figured piranhas would most likely eat "feeder" type fish.
Birds Buns N Bees":17cb2chy said:
Do you have to give piranhas live food or will they eat frozen/killed food? Just curious; I hadn't heard of feeding chicks to piranhas before! I would have figured piranhas would most likely eat "feeder" type fish.

Piranhas eat anything you give them that's meaty and delicious, live or dead, the bloodier the better. Live is more interesting to watch and plays on their instincts and senses but we only give live things on rare occasion so they don't get injured or sick. I don't like to give feeder fish because disease or illness transfers over sooo much easier, and we've had ich transfer from feeders that looked just fine. We've been giving them chicken liver and chunks of culled rabbit that my snooty dogs decided they're too good for :roll:
Here's what I found

Sec. 18-12. Rabbits and poultry. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, possess or harbor any rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese or other poultry, unless the same are kept in a sanitary condition, free of offensive odors, and in an enclosed yard or coop which shall be located not less than 30 feet from the street line or any adjacent property line.

This is murder, I can't have chickens or rabbits with this information. Unless I keep my rabbits in the basement which is easily done. It's a good thing we bought them for Piranha food then. :/[/quote]

To me it sounds like you can them. you just need to keep everything really clean. And they cant free range. there are several coop designs that would work... but it also depends on the breeds your chicks turn out to be. Some breeds to fine in enclosed coops. others hate it. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/p ... _7c1062082 my husband build our chickens a coop similar to this. there are plans for this coop online for $30 at one of the popular chicken site.