.... animal cages ...
My theory on animal housing is.. build something as well as you know how, -build something as good for the livestock as practical, - build something that can be cleaned and serviced with minimum trouble.
I am building this particular design because the floor is easy on rabbits feet, it remains clean much longer than a "normal" floor would. Making life better for all of us by reducing labor and disease , and improving the comfort and longevity of the livestock.The doors will be almost as wide as the individual cage,[3 feet wide x 2 feet deep x 2 feet high] easy for me to access every corner without undo trouble. The rabbit sections will have a 8 inch wide shelf built into them at 13 inches off the floor ,this shelf gives the rabbits something to jump up on for exercise and gives the does a place to get away from the kits, who will chase them around the cage to exhaustion, [constantly wanting to nurse] . . The chickens are much more happy also- they are not bored, but always busy scratching through the litter on the bottom [sloped solid metal sheeting] floor, looking for some treat the rabbits have dropped. If the hens are bored, they pick on each other, and don't have nearly so long a productive life.
At one time I did experiments with different types of "housing" for rabbits and chickens to determine how exercise and additional cage space might affect productive longevity . Chickens in a small commercial cage typically lasted 2 years. Chickens in a cage with room to jump up on roosts, and a place to get below rabbits and scratch lasted about 6 years, Chickens who could go outside, eat what they wanted to, and run and scratch to their hearts content lasted 9 to 12 years and typically died of old age about the time they stopped laying.
Rabbits - does in a 30 x 24 commercial cage rebred at 5 weeks lasted 3 to 4 years. Does in a 36 L x 24 W x 36 high cage with 8 inch "resting boards" at 13 and 24 inches from the floor, rebred at 5 weeks lasted 6 to 8 years. Does in a outdoor colony lasted about 4 years ...
In both chickens and rabbits-- some genetic lines/ breeds are much more "long lived" than others...