Well, I'm not sure the flooring I'm using is laminate, I'll have to double check... I just call all flooring that isn't wood or carpet laminate, lol. The pee isn't really a problem, as the buns don't pee outside the litter box, but I'm sure water will be spilled. I just don't want to have to replace the wood every few months if it starts to rot because of water.
The cage is going to end up zip tied together, and I don't think tipping will be an issue once that's done, but I did attach it to the hook in the window frame... you can just see it in the top middle of the photo. I actually didn't think of it tipping, just wanted to get it all set up and see how it handled before I started drilling. I've had to make some adjustments, but all in all it's proving to be easy to use and clean.
Would I be further ahead to use something like a beeswax varnish on the wood, instead of trying to cover it with tiles or something?