How to use campho phenique for ear mites?

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Well-known member
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
MSD said that she thought Hoodat uses campho phenique for ear mites. Do you put it in the ears or behind the ears like the ivermectin? And how much should I use? Also, can you use DE for ear mites?
The way I was told was 5 parts mineral oil to 1 part campho phenique then apply with an eye dropper directly into the ear. Works like a charm! :)
I'm not sure of the proportions, but AmysMacdog's recipe sounds good to me! :)

I haven't ever tried DE for ear mites. I'm sure it would kill them, but I am afraid it would be very drying to the inner ear. You can rub some into the fur around the base of the ear and on the outer ear itself in case they try to crawl out.
Thanks to you both! I mixed it up like AmysMacDog said and administered it tonight. Here's hoping it works! :)