How Many Cages Do I Need?

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Bad Habit

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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If I have a buck, and 3 does, and breed a litter every month(so each doe has one month pregnant, one month nursing, one month off), how many cages do I need to grow out the kits to 12wks?

There's 4 for the breeders. Then I'm thinking one for 4wks-8wks, and 2 for 8wks-processing(separate litters by gender).

My cages are 32x24, and I'm trying to figure out how many I need, vs how many I have, and if I can plan to expand to 2 litters per month in the spring when I can install the remaining cages(I have 12 all together).

Should I plan on needing more cages for the 8wks-processing period? I'm planning on processing at 12wks(for the sake of math). I have 4 grow out kits just now, that are a wee bit older, but they're split 2 and 2, in 24x24 cages.
You're only breeding one doe a month? And not keeping any? Then eight should do what you need.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
So you are betting that the one doe a month will get bred consistently ?
How many babies per doe are you expectiing on the average ?
How many rabbits per week for your household use were you wanting ?
This also depends on the size of your family.

I'm curious what kind of answers you will get.
I have a few people wanting to buy rabbits for breeding stock for meat purposes.
It would be nice to let them know how many breeders they will need.
Well, I'm really only asking how many cages I would need for that level of production, but.

I am hoping that the doe conceives. I average about 8 a litter from what I have been told.

I am not keeping any. My sister, mother and brother are all getting a quarter, and I have a friend lined up to trade me feed for meat(my sister is getting me feed as well, and my brother and mother's boyfriend will be processing them for their 1/4ths).
Seriously, for the level of production you're contemplating eight cages should work nicely. You may wish to add one or two extra in case of larger litters.

This past summer Whipple and I got 25 litters with 20 surviving litters that went into the freezer, the last one in October.
I really depends on how large each litter is and what the sexes are. Kits should be separated by sex 8-10 weeks. After that they may start fighting, even some does. I think 8 would be great.

But as a suggestion is is great to breed 2 does at the same time to have the option for fostering. Plus sometimes they don't take and then you will be out a litter. I have 2 does that didn't take because they went into molt soon after breeding and no kits. But Then you need even more cages soooo. I have also noticed that my does do better when I don't give them too much time off. I re-breed at 4-7 weeks depending on my pairing does and weaning age/cage space. But this is just what I have found works for me, everyone has their own reasons of what and why they do what they do.
Personally, I'd set up as many cages as you have or can afford. You will need them. And, plan to expand. I know you don't expect to expand right now but neither did I when I started but...then as I learned about this whole business of growing meat I've found it pays to plan for the unexpected.

Some of the unexpected events to plan for:
1. does that need replacing (bad tempers or bad mothers or infertile)
2. realizing you need more does to meet demand of your family plus others
3. realizing that your does and/or bucks are not big enough or do no produce enough and so you want to grow out some replacements
4. fostering...poop happens and sometimes you need to foster kits so having more than one doe bred at the same time (to deliver at the same time) is good management practice
5. kits don't grow quite as quickly as the "5lbs by 8week" goal...or you decide that you want to keep them around longer so you have nicer pelts
6. sickness happens and so you may want to have some reserve breeders available "just in case"...

I've gotten to the point, 2 years into this deal, that I know the answer to "how many cages do I need" is always "more than I have now"....
Depending on the weight of your breeders, you will need to check ARBA standard for size :)

I so recommend breeding 2 does at the same time because usually the other one comes in handy if they miss or you need to foster ( like someone mentioned above)

I'd try to have 8-10 cages...but just wanting you...the more empty cages, the more tempted you may be to fill them LOL :)
Rabbitosis rule #1: You can NEVER have too many cages... And trust me on this one, I KNOW! :rotfl:
Bad Habit":2d6752gw said:
Well, I'm really only asking how many cages I would need for that level of production, but.

I am hoping that the doe conceives. I average about 8 a litter from what I have been told.

I am not keeping any. My sister, mother and brother are all getting a quarter, and I have a friend lined up to trade me feed for meat(my sister is getting me feed as well, and my brother and mother's boyfriend will be processing them for their 1/4ths).

Cages---8 should work-----If Everything works out to 100% with your plans. As already stated you will want to keep changing out a buck and keep adding a fresh doe, so you really need to have a few more cages on stand by.

Some questions here---Just for Thoughts!!

Your sister gets 1/4th
Mother gets 1/4th
Brother gets 1/4th
Friend trading "for meat"??
What you get and are You sharing your 1/4th with the friend?

Have you done the math on what it cost to feed these rabbits----you got to feed the breeders 24/7 52 weeks per year and each set of kits for 3 months. Someone or two is going to be Spending ALOT of Money in food for their share if they are buying ALL the feed------if your Mother's BF and Brother are going to do a few minutes work for 1/2 of all the meat rabbits---and not buy any food?? They Getting a Deal!! Also each person's share is only going to be 2 rabbits per month(average)---Is that going to be enough---not much if you are sharing your 1/4th with the friend??

Who pays for the cages/housing?

Back to the rabbit processing, If 8 rabbits are shared----your brother gets 2, mother/bf gets 2-----that leaves only 4-----so your brother and Mothers/BF cleans 2 rabbits extra per month each(besides theirs) for their share of this 4 way split??? It takes less than 5 minutes to clean a rabbit. I would clean yours for you if you were close by for $2 each and Be Real happy To get That!

The one/s buying the food is spending at least $50 to $60 each month for feed----someone is not going to be Happy with this deal!
I am not keeping any meat myself, and I am not doing it for profit, I'm doing it as something nice to do for my family. Which is exactly why I am keeping things small. I am not planning on investing anything into cages for the meat rabbtis - they get the cages I have already. Trading my quarter of the meat for pellets is simply to offset feed costs, I expect the purebred pet/show breeds to pay for the rest.
Bad Habit":2r38d2t1 said:
I am not keeping any meat myself, and I am not doing it for profit, I'm doing it as something nice to do for my family. Which is exactly why I am keeping things small. I am not planning on investing anything into cages for the meat rabbtis - they get the cages I have already. Trading my quarter of the meat for pellets is simply to offset feed costs, I expect the purebred pet/show breeds to pay for the rest.

OK, Was Just Looking Out For My Fellow Rabbit Talk Poster!!!
Also, those that are buying food are only giving me a bag of food, so ~17$. Everyone I've offered it to has jumped at the chance, and they know that this is being done on MY terms - if I say there's no rabbit that month, they're not going to whine and complain.

I'm sorry if this is hard to follow, I am so sick right now, and my brain isn't working right, I don't think.
Bad Habit":yjcw8jam said:
Also, those that are buying food are only giving me a bag of food, so ~17$. Everyone I've offered it to has jumped at the chance, and they know that this is being done on MY terms - if I say there's no rabbit that month, they're not going to whine and complain.

I'm sorry if this is hard to follow, I am so sick right now, and my brain isn't working right, I don't think.

We are With you now!!
Bad Habit":t8vgsksy said:
Also, those that are buying food are only giving me a bag of food, so ~17$. Everyone I've offered it to has jumped at the chance, and they know that this is being done on MY terms - if I say there's no rabbit that month, they're not going to whine and complain.

I'm sorry if this is hard to follow, I am so sick right now, and my brain isn't working right, I don't think.

Awwww that isn't good! Most of us here are down with cruddy eyes and ears, ugh!

In answer to your question though, you will need MANY MORE CAGES THAN YOU EVER EXPECT!!!!!!!

Sorry, I started with two ex pets living with my chickens and am now up to 70+ and more on the way. :oops:

And rabbits NEVER preform like breeding machines, at least not for me. :roll: :lol:
I asked myself that question one time or another .... and now I realize there is no proper answer ... cause no matter how many you have you always need another.

Whatever number you think you need .... double it.
GBov":2a2dr9kx said:
And rabbits NEVER preform like breeding machines, at least not for me. :roll: :lol:

It is good that they understand they may not get a rabbit a month. I suspect they will do as my mom and I did --once they taste rabbit, they will want more than just one rabbit a month. And, as mentioned, rabbits can really throw a wrench in the calculations of how many rabbits you get to send to camp. Thus, it wouldn't hurt to add an additional doe or two into the program IF YOU HAVE ROOM...and IF they are willing to feed that extra doe or, it really comes down to what your "customers" want and what you are able/willing to do for them.

Praying you feel better soon.