How do you guys store hay?

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Mar 6, 2012
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Those of you without actually farms, how do you keep your hay? Right now we only have a few buns in the house, so we've been buying small quantities of hay. The prices are killing me!! :evil: I would like to buy in by the bale since we live in a farming town, but I'm not sure how to store it. Any advice?? Thanks!!
I buy a square bale at a time and keep it in a plastic tub that I bought at wal-mart for around 13.00 . No mess this way
Mine is in half of a dog crate, on top of the stackers. I got a little basket I put a flake in and go from cage to cage. Strangely enough, I do have a barn, in the middle of the city, so sometime soon I will build rafters in the bunny side and try to store more than one bale there.
I store mine stacked on a wood pallet so the bottom row doesn't get wet in our rabbit area. It's much cheaper by the bale but I would be doing a lot less sweeping if I just fed straight pellets instead of alfalfa. No worries on mice because we have three mousers who sleep on a straw bale right next to the hay.
I buy a bale at a time, break it into flakes and store it right on top of the rabbit cages in the barn. I put some every few feet so when I feed hay, I have a convenient place to grab it from.
We have a hay loft. I totally suck at stacking. LOL
miniquilts":263wdf58 said:
I buy a square bale at a time and keep it in a plastic tub that I bought at wal-mart for around 13.00 . No mess this way

This is probably my only option. I don't have a barn or a garage (YET!)

Okay, secondary question. What kind of hay do you guys buy? Right now they're on Timothy, because that is what's available in small bags. The kinds I can get around here usually say "mixed grassy hay" or alfalfa.
faiththequeen":1cjm7bg0 said:
miniquilts":1cjm7bg0 said:
I buy a square bale at a time and keep it in a plastic tub that I bought at wal-mart for around 13.00 . No mess this way

This is probably my only option. I don't have a barn or a garage (YET!)

Okay, secondary question. What kind of hay do you guys buy? Right now they're on Timothy, because that is what's available in small bags. The kinds I can get around here usually say "mixed grassy hay" or alfalfa.

A horse quality grass hay is all you need. Do you know someone that has bales of hay that would sell you a flake at a time? A flake is about 5lbs or so of hay.
We have orchard grass (on the right) and timothy/orchard/alfalfa mix (on the left). We give the rabbits the alfalfa mix.
i do the tub thing too, i looove it. it doesnt store a whole bale, so a few flakes go into a trash bag and i use that first :)
The tub thing is a great idea. I have a horse barn but haul hay down to the rabbitry, which is at a different end of the farm. I have discovered that the XL contractor's garbage bags and/ OR the drum liners (bags made to line a 50 gallon drum) are perfect for bagging up a bale of hay. Both can be found at any hardware or farm supply store. Work the bag over the hay bale before opening it. The hay stays contained in the bag - less sweeping. Medium size bales work best (80 pounds or less). When I have the big 120-pound bales, I open the bale first and then split it between two bags.

Placing a "Just One Bite" bait bar or some Deacon near your feed is the best way to minimize rodents. If you have dogs you can make an enclosed bait station out of a plastic food container with a lid (the reusable kind made with sturdy plastic). Cut an entry hole in the side for the rodents. Put the bait bar in the container, then place it la corner near the feed. If you need to you can screw the container to a wall but be sure to use a washer to prevent the plastic from cracking where the screw goes through.
faiththequeen":10cd0mu2 said:
I would like to buy in by the bale since we live in a farming town, but I'm not sure how to store it. Any advice?? Thanks!!
I also store it in a 55 Gallon Rubbermaid tub. I normally buy a Timothy mix. This last time because of the price( was on sale for $12) I bought a timothy/orchard grass mix. The wife does like the smell and the rabbits aren't as crazy for it, but I am near then end of it. I bought it September 23rd and I have 7 rabbits and went to a few shows( I always use extra at the shows). I will buy a T&A mix (timothy and alfalfa mix) it runs about $18 down here for a large bale.
i would never use toxins to kill rodents around my house or property between pets and kids. id rather go find some half feral cat and feed it to stay close and hope it eats them all lol
I store half I use of a bale in a metal trash can and the other half I cant fit in the trash can in 2 black trash bags wrapped over each other sitting on the back porch stays fresh and no bugs can get into it
I have two dozen stacked in the garage, on pallets to keep it off the ground in case we get water in there. Before I had this many rabbits, I was buying a bale at a time, and using a canvas bale bag to keep things neat and tidy. It's just like it sounds, a canvas bag big enough to hold an entire bale, with handles and air vent holes. It's nice when hauling hay in the car, too, because then it doesn't get everywhere.

ETA - I'm feeding a meadow/timothy mix this winter. Got a bit of a late start, and that was the best I can do. Next year, I'm looking forward to putting away some Potomac valley straight Timothy.
tnelsonfla":1v2ek4pz said:
I also store it in a 55 Gallon Rubbermaid tub. I normally buy a Timothy mix. This last time because of the price( was on sale for $12) I bought a timothy/orchard grass mix. The wife does like the smell and the rabbits aren't as crazy for it, but I am near then end of it. I bought it September 23rd and I have 7 rabbits and went to a few shows( I always use extra at the shows). I will buy a T&A mix (timothy and alfalfa mix) it runs about $18 down here for a large bale.

Do you not have a problem with the humidity condensing in a plastic container? I keep mine on a wooden table to avoid that, though I do spill a bit between there and the rabbits, thinking about making a hay rack in the rabbit run area. And how large is a large bale? I know Pensacola is cheaper cost of living than the bigger cities in Central and South Florida, but I just paid $5 for a 2'x2'x3' bale of mixed hay. The same size in pure Timothy (when they have it) is only $7. And that's from a feed store, I have seen the big truck bed size rolls advertised on Craigslist for $7-$10.