Hi Julia, nice to see more from UK here. This web site is great!
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I had 1 doe that gave 1 and then 2 bucks out of 7 kits, last litter 2 out of 5, Other doe 7 bucks, 3 does out of 3 litters total, rest is more around a 50/50 balance. With different bucks by the way, yes it will average out in the long run, but there will be does that give doe or buck heavy litters, just as there are bucks that give more of one or the other.I think this is wild ... my litter of 16 NZ kits are reaching 100 days. 14 are girls. I am wondering what your girl-to-boy ratios are.
Do you think this is a one-in-a-million or pretty normal?
They were bred on the February full moon.
Hi @Sisi, Wiltshire is a beautiful county. I visit sometimes because the company I work for has a head office near to the White Horse. Your wee bunnies look beautiful. Yes, I love this website too. The moderators have been incredibly helpful and there is a wealth of information to explore.I breed Argentes in Wiltshire, black (Champagnes) and Hubert's (Agouti).
I just had a litter a week ago.
I like your polytunnel idea![]()