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Jan 6, 2024
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Heya folks! As it says in the username, I'm a greenhorn to rabbits. But I'm very excited to join you all.

I've wanted to be a farmer for a while, but as someone who lives in an apartment...there are some challenges to achieving that dream, haha! But, I've found a place where I can keep some rabbits now (a friend's backyard), and I'm here to do my research before I get any critters.

Haven't chosen a starting breed yet, but have found a location that I can raise my rabbits. I'll be attending my first ARBA show next month in Ohio to see many different breeds of rabbits to help me make an informed decision. I'm also hoping to network with some local rabbit breeders to learn about what practices work best in my area. So if you live in or near Grand Rapids, Michigan, hit me up!
Hi welcome! You will find many answers here! What are you going to raise rabbits for, show, meat or wool?
What I raise the rabbits for will depend very heavily on what answers I get about city ordinances from the Urban Agriculture Committee.

I'm very interested in showing rabbits, as it seems like a good way to network with other rabbit fanciers and farmers, sell rabbits, and obtain good breeding stock. Plus, it just sounds fun!

Whatever breed I go with, I plan to eat the meat and tan the pelts so I can craft with the fur. While I'm interested in wool, the large wool breeds sound a bit high maintenance for my liking, and Jersey Woolies are hard to find in my area.

I'm currently leaning towards Mini Rex and Rex due to their temperament and their fur! But I'm open to other breeds. 😄
Welcome. I'm a also an as yet un-rabbited newbie but, have you considered Silver Fox ? Others, of course, will be able to offer a more informed opinion.
For apartments you may also consider mushrooms and microgreens.
And , you can also grow tomatoes and other veggies on a balcony.
Welcome. I'm a also an as yet un-rabbited newbie but, have you considered Silver Fox ? Others, of course, will be able to offer a more informed opinion.
For apartments you may also consider mushrooms and microgreens.
And , you can also grow tomatoes and other veggies on a balcony.
I have! They're beautiful rabbits!

It's funny you mention mushrooms and microgreens, since I actually am hoping to do those as well! I was thinking the microgreens would make a yummy occasional treat for my rabbits during the winter...but also be good for my partner and I as well.

Unfortunately I don't have a balcony. But my apartment complex actually has gardens they lease out during the summer, which I think is splendid! I'm planning on renting a plot to try my hand at growing a few other veggies (if I don't immediately bomb with the microgreens and mushrooms). :3c

I'm not sure how many other urban rabbit farmers there are. I grew up rural and I've been itching to get back to my roots for a while. I may not be able to go as big as a proper homesteader would be able to...but I'll do what I can and have fun!
Hello everyone! In addition to drafting a proposal to bring before my city's Urban Agriculture Committee to allow more than 2 domestic rabbits to be kept in a yard, I was hoping to present a petition with some signatures indicating support for the measure.

If anyone feels so inclined, I'd certainly welcome some signatures from fellow rabbit enthusiasts! 📜🪶🐇

To sign is free, and there is no fundraising goal associated with this petition. :)

If you want to sign the petition, it can be found here:
Amend Grand Rapids City Code to Allow for Rabbit Farming

(Note: If you search for my petition on Change.org it won't appear in the search results. This is because currently, it has less than 5 signatures. Once it has 5 signatures, it will become more widely available on Change.org and appear in Google search results!)

(Other side note, this is also why I was trying to update my signature, haha. Planning to put a link to my petition in my forum signature to make it more findable! ;)👍)

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