Originally, we thought all the brokens were broken, harlequinized castors. But now the first pictured one looks like broken red. Thoughts?
From the photos, it still looks like the unevenness in color is due to harlequinization rather than smut.
The darker coloration on the ears of a smuttty red usually looks more like lacing, i.e. along the edge of the ear rather than in the middle. The variation in color near the eyes also looks more like harlequin than smut.
There is also variation in the color on the back that looks more like different colored spots than smut.

Given the ear coloration overall, I'd lean toward castor, but its nose and that spot on the back looks red. Since it looks like you might have wideband in the mix (judging from those gorgeous tort and red kits), it could be a wideband castor, which would look quite a lot redder than a normal castor.
Eventually you can look for ring definition to decide whether it's a red or a castor, but it still looks harlequinized to me.
In my Mini Rex, ring definition did not usually show up until they were quite a bit older...can't remember exactly but it may have been on the order of 12 weeks or so? It would show up first on the lower flanks, with the back being the last to show ring definition - not so helpful in a broken!
And I think you're right - that harlequin castor is stunning.