Help! Wound on neck

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May 7, 2014
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I was on vacation and my neighbor was taking care of my bunnies. I still have 4 babies in one hutch. When I got home I was giving each one some love and felt a mat/ bump on its neck. I just tried rinsing the hair and I found what I think is a wound. It looks like maybe a bite mark. He is acting fine.
What should I do? Can I trim the hair in that area? Will it grow back? It does not seem painful to him. It doesn't look infected. I just don't know how old it is.
Any suggestions?
How old are those babies? If they are 8 weeks or older it's probably just a typical wound from them mounting each other. In that case they should heal up fine on it's own, but I have seem some with rather nasty abscesses from it before.
We do have Bot flys. Both my dogs have had one. I know what that looks like. What is a warble gag? <br /><br /> -- Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:35 pm -- <br /><br /> We do have Bot flys. Both my dogs have had one. I know what that looks like.*yuck* At this point it doesn't look like a single air hole but I will keep that in mind.
Ahh. Got it. I never knew they were called warbles. They are gross! This wound looks more like his skin was shredded. If it hurt him would he show me he was in pain? I know some animals don't show pain as a defense against predators. not sure about bunnies.
It sounds like the nasty thing has burrows in, I've only had warbles with cats and finding them in would have been dinner squirrels. The ones I know of eat the animal from the inside out, eventually die if warble isn't removed. With the cats used peroxide, tweezers, needle to grab and carefully dig out....needles where used to dig one out that broke in half. Its nasty business, hope that's not what that is. Will need extra pair of hands. None showed any pain signs, at glance couldn't tell had'm.
I had a Giant Chin with a warble a few years ago. I only noticed it because his ring pattern was off in that area. I am grossed out by maggots, but the warble was not that bad to me. I was by myself, and it was pretty easy to get out if I remember correctly. Asked the vet, and he said he did not need any treatment at all. He is still fine three years later.