Help me with rabbitry design ideas

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
coastal southeast North Carolina
My head is spinning…I’m getting dizzy…perhaps talking it out here will help.:twilightzone:

I need to expand my rabbitry area – I need more cages!! :p The options of how to do this – with the need to keep it budget friendly (very very budget friendly) – is what is making me dizzy. :twilightzone:

I have mulled over the idea of building individual hutches which has the benefit of having great flexibility on placement within space. But, in the long run, I think it would prove the more expensive (though the cost would be spread over a period of time).

Then, I thought about simply extending my existing open-sided shed – I have probably 24ft I can extend it IF I remove the gate to the chicken yard and let the rabbits & chickens share space. As I considered this, it occurred to me that perhaps I could use some of the 4x4 posts I have waiting to be used as a grape arbor/trellis and make a rabbit shed/arbor—but not for grapes…hardy kiwi perhaps? I did a google search figuring I wasn’t the first to think of such a thing and sure enough I found this: ... bbit-Hutch Really cool but I don’t think the design includes solid waterproof roof cover for the rabbits. That would be required. Sooo…how to attach a roof while still allowing for the vine and for harvesting the fruit? I thought perhaps building the cages and making them with solid roofs on hinges so the access is from above…that would require wood framing to support the roof…would this be getting into more expense than simply using pre-made wire cages like I currently have from Bass?

I don't know what bass prices are at the moment, but I was able to build my own wire cages from the hardware store cheaper than bass. This was a few years ago though. and I already had the crimp pliers.

I don't know which would be better. Maybe if you posted some pictures?