I found a few articles, but unfortunately not very much. It's odd how few rabbit care articles on the web are actually informative.
Anyway, I saw the discussion on this thread shift from "caged vs. non-caged" to "wire vs. solid floor" and since I didn't know which you wanted, I included a little of both. Threw in some "indoor vs. outdoor" as well in case you wanted to add that to the paper.
Quick note to any RTers who see these articles: I'm not taking sides in any of the mentioned debates. As long as a person's rabbit is healthy and happy, I don't care whether they're in outdoor hutches or sleeping at the end of their owner's bed. I'm sharing these links solely for the purpose of helping bunnychild with her research.
This one is pro-indoor housing:
This is an excellent unbiased article presenting both sides of the argument:
This article is specifically about indoor rabbits. It presents the idea of pens rather than cages for bunnies:
General discussion on rabbit cages from a house-rabbit-owner's perspective:
This excellent article defends wire floors in rabbit cages:
This website has tons of info on different types of cages/hutches. Thought there might be some useful info for your logic paper in here: