hateful does.,,, but i did it..

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Jan 1, 2012
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Near ottawa ontario
I just breed my first angora rabbit.I want to breed the other at the same time.. She attacks the buck.. These guys are mean to him.. Even the one that just breed. I had to watch really close and she bits him..He was very slow.. I know why.. I new she was ready. .. But hateful and complain the whole time. but it was ok for her to hump him. But not ok for her.. So I had to intervene so he wouldn't get hurt. but I did it.. I am very excited.. The count down Is on.. I want my own babies so bad.. I am keeping them all to. lol.

as goes for the other one.. I know she is ready to.. but she will not let him no matter what.. She has never been bred.. and attack big time. Even if I hold her.. she will not lift.. The next thing I am going to do is lift her myself .. But the buck needs a break.. so tomorrow is another day if it isn't raining. wISH ME LUCK .. Now I know why they sold them to me. But that is ok.. All I want is one litter. .. To start my own line up
Good luck.

I've had great success with force breeding, since I seem to have a whole line that doesn't lift.

Had a doe beat up a buck before I pulled her out. So aggressive he never wanted anything to do with her again. I bred her to a much more aggressive buck and he taught her a lesson.
My friend used to raise angoras, and she was always telling me how difficult they were to breed. She didn't know about checking their color, though, so who knows?

I'm glad you got at least one of them bred!
Not all angoras are like that. I have four does. One grumbles and doesn't want bred, but she will submit. Two I the others are too young just yet. The fourth is my favorite doe. She's my best all around rabbit. (Breeding, mothering, temperament, WOOL out the wazoo...) She will submit immediately and will stay in the same lifted position until the buck is completely done. If it weren't for the stomping brag fest that goes on between the bucks it wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to get all 3 mounts.

It may be that she just doesn't particularly like that buck. I had a satin doe I would breed to my angoras for meat mutts, and she hated the buck I put her with. She would turn and attack him after two mounts, religiously, yet when I put her in with my rex buck she was so submissive she let him cover her four times, and even ROLLED OVER for him. I've never seen anything like it!
Psf angora.. I laugh at the last sentence.. Geez that was funny. I guess you are right.. I am working on getting more stock.. And a new buck is in the works.. but I was very happy that it happen as I didn't think it would with all of the complaining she was doing.. I can brush her.. I go pass her cage and she starts.. I am only feeding her. So I not sure what happen in the past .. but I never seen a doe that complains so much.. and hard to get to. .. but I knew she was ready.. I think you are right.. Maybe she didn't like him. I will know next spring when I breed her again as I will have more than one buck..

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Thank you. It the mother of my best doe. Be patient with your stock. She may have been abused, or not handled properly in the past. I've turned around a lot of rescue rabbits.

Also, I found out when I first started that all that wool really is its own little world from other rabbits I've had before. Once you get more time in around them, you'll better know what you want to look for in your wool rabbits, and can start basing your stock purchases off of that. I've been into the wool rabbits for about 2 years now, and I finally have some stock I feel proud to talk about and breed from. Before they were mostly rescues that ended up not working out for one reason or another. These that you have now may not be what you end up with in the end, but you live and you learn. I'm sure you'll have a beautiful herd of your own perfect for your own need Frencheis before you know it.
thanks.. I am seeing another breeder on the weekend.. I am buying some babies from her.. I want to raise them my way.. this is all she breeds is angora rabbits.. I narrow it down to French angora only. I don't know much about the wool.. this IS a big learning turn around for me. These rabbits that I bought that you see in the pic.. Is from a angora rabbit breeder.. she owns a wool shop.. Put I think I got her culls.. but that is ok.. I do like them. The black doe that dosnt want to breed.. She is very nice personally to me and loves to be brushed.. I do like her.. the buck is beautiful.. He is ok to brush too. I am not to fussy on is temp tho.. and the white doe.. I call her cranky the wicked witch. .. She hates everything. lOl,, but she does have nice wool from what I can feel and see.. But I rather raise my own.. and I have to start somewhere..

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