Harlequin Standards

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tailwagging":1m75hb4i said:
What the breed is known for is the pattern. so the most points are on what makes it a Harlequin.

I heard that the reason there is weight limit now on standards is because people would put the Harlies on the table at a young age just because they are so based on markings. Wouldn't you want a nicely typed rabbit? I know the coloring is hard but I would think they fall under the meat breed category. Personally, if I were to work on the Harlequin, I would want it to have more of a commercial/meaty body type. It would take time,but it over time a solid looking rabbit with the correct markings would look amazing. The harlies I see at shows here just very poor looking. I do love the color, but I do not love the body that comes with it (usually. I've seen some rather nice ones that have been outcrossed for better type. The markings aren't perfect, but it is a step in the right direction)
Peach":3gu5ltpe said:
tailwagging":3gu5ltpe said:
What the breed is known for is the pattern. so the most points are on what makes it a Harlequin.

I heard that the reason there is weight limit now on standards is because people would put the Harlies on the table at a young age just because they are so based on markings. Wouldn't you want a nicely typed rabbit? I know the coloring is hard but I would think they fall under the meat breed category. Personally, if I were to work on the Harlequin, I would want it to have more of a commercial/meaty body type. It would take time,but it over time a solid looking rabbit with the correct markings would look amazing. The harlies I see at shows here just very poor looking. I do love the color, but I do not love the body that comes with it (usually. I've seen some rather nice ones that have been outcrossed for better type. The markings aren't perfect, but it is a step in the right direction)

I agree. I want type first and color second. I love a well marked magpie but not if its structure is poor. That ruins everything in my book. My magpies are not by any means close to show but I love them and they will make me some nice bunz for the freezer. :)
You should see the ones people bring to show around here. Let's just say yours look WAYY BETTER>.< Atleast you recognize that they are better suited for your freezer for now :) One day, I'd like to work on this breed. The breed is so frowned upon over here,but I'm sure it would change if someone would improve the type and not just focus so much on color.
Well maybe I can start a new trend in the Harlequin rabbits. :) I wont show unless I have both type and color. If its not an excellent representation of the breed it wont be seen by a judge that's for sure.
That's pretty much where I'm at as well, while I love the colour I need meat in my freezer too and you can't eat show legs.
well, you have fun with that.
harlequins pattern is more luck then anything. rare do you get a spot on alteration. then clarity and depth of color. that is what makes the breed the breed.
sure a good body is nice but if you must have the whole package then you will have to have a lot of room in the freezer or a large pack of mastiffs to feed. AND a good many cages. In the harlequin handbook I got when I joined the AHRC they suggest 40 cages per variety. not 40 for mags and 40 for japs, but 40 for blue or choco or black with in mags or japs.

I got mine from Judge Kitty lynch, now Judge Rodger Bustle, Judge Tom Green and ahrc Secretary/Treasurer Pam Granderson.
none were perfect. none could beat a NZ in body.
Just think how boring the rabbit world would be if everyone only raised NZ. If no one ever took a chance. I will not be discouraged by others dislike of the breed. I know what I am in for. :) and I will have fun, very much so. Thank you!!
I am raising for meat, and though my magpies are far from perfect in color/pattern, they surely are meaty. I will gladly add a pic later today. And thanks to a very nice Canadian lady I will be expanding with more meaty magpies. From there I will be filling my freezer well, which is my main goal, and if I get one with show pattern that is just a nice bonus for me.

__________ Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:33 am __________

3mina":1dtdfmpt said:
A girl needs something to shoot for and since there is room for improvement in that area, why not?
My thoughts exactly. Im up for the challenge and starting with nice meat rabbits. Eventually the rest will come. I love a challenge.<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:38 am __________<br /><br />
3mina said:
I just got a line on a lilac magpie buck, the breeder is willing to trade for my red Rex buck[/quote. Do you have any harli or magpie does yet? Sorry I am fairly new and still don't have a handle on who raises what.
Join the challenge meaty magpies!!! Lol
3mina":kawv6mdn said:
A girl needs something to shoot for and since there is room for improvement in that area, why not?

true true just don't become dishearted when it takes years to get close.

I was just like you,with my harlequins and Kitty gave me a good hard talking to about being too picking and culling out many good rabbits since they weren't perfect. after that we became 3rd in the nation in sweeps.

if you get a chance. get some from Pam Granderson. she has some very good rabbits and will sell them too.
tailwagging":vrlglrnk said:
well, you have fun with that.
harlequins pattern is more luck then anything. rare do you get a spot on alteration. then clarity and depth of color. that is what makes the breed the breed.
sure a good body is nice but if you must have the whole package then you will have to have a lot of room in the freezer or a large pack of mastiffs to feed. AND a good many cages. In the harlequin handbook I got when I joined the AHRC they suggest 40 cages per variety. not 40 for mags and 40 for japs, but 40 for blue or choco or black with in mags or japs.

I got mine from Judge Kitty lynch, now Judge Rodger Bustle, Judge Tom Green and ahrc Secretary/Treasurer Pam Granderson.
none were perfect. none could beat a NZ in body.

Good thing I have three freezers and allot of room for plenty of cages. :) I am not looking to show my rabbits any time soon. That will be an added bonus if I ever get one that I feel is good enough. In the mean time I will have fun trying. :popcorn:
Never discouraging. Just the backwards pep talk, the "this is not going to be easy, so cull hard and stick with it," thing. My favorite motto is "nothing in life is easy, so I might as well pick something and see it through." Mamma said they'll be days like this---
I've pretty much culled everything I've bred in the past 7 mos, I want to get rid of low and long shoulders in my Rexes. Next I will try to get rid of sore hocks...
Thanks Sky. I will be culling hard and only keeping good body type to add to my breeding stock.


I forgot to take pics of my bunnies to put on here. They are by far not show bunnies but they are nice meat bunnies and as good a place to start as I can think of.

I will have to get my hubby to help me out with pics tonight. I hope he will. I am super proud of my meat mutts and magpies.
tm_bunnyloft":26p0qlu3 said:
I forgot to take pics of my bunnies to put on here.

What??? :shock: GASP! How could you?!? By all means, put that hubby to work. :mrgreen:

We must see pictures! :camera:

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