Happy Story

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Cindi Davis

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
A young lady and her mom stopped by to look at my rabbits and asked if I had any bucks for sale sooo I Sold my Chocolate Steel Keeper. I was talking to Mom (Kristan) and she had never seen a rabbit Like Big Gurl so she wanted to see her. Well we go through the back porch down to look at the rabbits. Then when we leave we go out the garage. Well she noticed a couple kittens. I cant have cats cuz Winston has em for lunch. They had been dumped, Kristan asked if they were mine and I said unfortunatly no So she asked if she could have them both and I said YESSS please LOL. They now have a new home on a farm with a caring family and are not going to have a rough life of a feral cat.
That was nice of you to sell your Keeper. One good turn really does deserve another, and finding a home for the kitties proves that it happens. Quickly at times, too! :)

What a good day for you and the little kitties! :D