Happy Canadian Thanksgiving :)

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! It's officially on monday but most everyone we know is having it at different times over the weekend. :dinner:
I'm thankful I get to have turkey dinner at my brother's house. He's in the military and just got back from maneuvers. He's a great cook!
I'll be making a second turkey too, right after thanksgiving so hubby has his much coveted leftovers...lol.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend, everybody!

We are having glorious, mild, sunny weather. I think it is the nicest Thanksgiving Weekend weather I can remember. Some rain overnight tonight, they say, then back to sunshine in the morning.
Happy thanksgiving! This thread reminded me to invite my Canadian turning American neighbors over for our turkey day next month! And they accepted. :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!!! :p I hope you all have or had a wonderful celebration with friends and family. :)

I have a friend who is Scottish, but grew up in Canada- she has two Canadian daughters, and they always spend Thanksgiving (the American one) here with us!