Happy birthday Peach!

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
I hope you have a fantastic, wonderful, memorable birthday!

Thank you for all I have learned from you over this past year or so.
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:choir: Happy birthday, dear Pea-each!!! :choir:

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What?!? :shock: Another birthday already? Better watch out, or you're gonna get old! :x

Which, of course, is better than the alternative. :rip:

Thanks for being part of the forum, Peach! You have gained such an enormous knowledge of proper conformation and evaluation of rabbits since you started, and I am constantly amazed by your aptitude for show bunnies. :bow:

I know that you have been of invaluable help to others here, especially- but not limited to- those with lop breeds.

May you continue to grow in that and in your life as a young woman!

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Peach!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day today! :hbd:
:happybday2u: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEACH!!!!
I'm so glad your a part of RT! Always enjoy reading what you have to share, especially as a fellow Mini Lop breeder :)
Hope you have a blessed day!
A little late here, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you strikingly beautiful young lady!!!

:troll: :troll: :happybday2u: :troll: :troll:
Oh my goodness! Thank you guys so much for the birthday wishes :) this birthday creeped up on me :D Had a great 21st with getting my hair cut,nails done, and a night out with the family and my BF at a super yummy restaurant. Loll took a swing at some frog legs and a tall glass of a drink called "Swamp Thing". Very yummy! My 4'11" self had to quit it around 1/2 a glass in though hahaha

I'm so happy to be part of such an awesome forum and i just noticed my second twirly star *sniff*
