shazza":2fh7c546 said:
when we did kittens we would use the sensitive skin wet wipes with good success. they pretty much just kinda. stay a bit messy all the time though unless you actually give them a bath in water. they should be starting to groom themselves soon though so it shouldn't be a big deal!
Yeah, they are definitely grooming themselves at this point, they just haven't caught up to the amount of formula that is in their fur thanks to their siblings wiping their mouths off on each other's body. :lol: The sensitive skin wipes are a good idea! I'll have to look for that next time I'm grocery shopping, it's for babies and kids right?
I decided to use a toothbrush and see if I could groom them a little bit with that but I couldn't for the life of me find any of those 'soft' bristle ones that the dentist always gives us so I had to go with one of my own firm bristle toothbrushes. It definitely tugged on the fur a bit so I used as soft a touch as I could so as to not hurt the kits and well, I guess it was soft enough because they all fell asleep on my lap while I groomed them :in_love: Pipsqueak was stretched out across my lap and the others were snuggled up next to her. I'll probably run to the dollar store and pick up a soft bristle so I'm not worried as much about the coarseness of it. It worked pretty well though! They certainly look better today.
FourRingCircus":2fh7c546 said:
Oh the cuteness! You have done an amazing job with them, and are so patient! I don't think my movements would have been so calm and controlled if I had one leap off of my lap into a pot of water, spilling all the formula as well

. I would love a rabbit that is that friendly! I only have one that might stand a chance of coming to my lap like that. So neat to see
Thanks a ton FourRingCircus!

My husband was like, "Now don't you go getting attached to them if you're planning on eating them." and I'm all like, "Dude. Pshhh. I'm not getting attached." Meanwhile my phone background is of Twilla standing on her hind legs gazing at me.... #
GuiltyAsCharged. #
DefinitelyNotGoingToEatThem. #
AttachedAsAllGetOut. They are too adorable, it still takes me about an hour to feed them......... 20 minutes for them to eat, 40 minutes for me to play with them. :roll:
I've got one other rabbit that will climb into my lap and that's Jeri, the weird curly coated bun I ended up keeping. She's a diva though, sometimes lets you pick her up, other times will scratch the daylights out of you. She's not scared or timid, just decides, "Yeah. No." She's the most cat-like of any rabbit I've owned, like a big white cottenball kittycat. I think these kits will be much more happy to be handled and picked up the amount they are in my hands, lol. Heck, they climb into my hands themselves sometimes and just sit there. "Yes, this is good thanks."
I'm taking them to the neighbor's house down the way for lunch today, they have two pre-teen girls who would just love to help so I'm going to buy some lemonade off them and we're going to sit in their yard and feed the kits. (Hand sanitizer for sure, lol, little girls are cleaner than little boys but...)
-- Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:53 pm --
Babies running out to say hello, and then a little while later they were all super curious about the camera and got up close and personal :lol:
They are definitely eating solid food now, I'll bring in a little chickweed, dandelion or mulberry leaf and they got nuts for it. I also have a small water bottle set up on their cage inside the house and they have been drinking from it. Well, the littlest blondie has at least. Not sure about the rest and I know Pippin prefers to drink out of the jar lid so not sure if she's taken to drinking from the bottle yet or not.
-- Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:26 am --

We had a bit of a scare last night with Pipsqueak, I guess she inhaled some of the formula and was having trouble breathing. I initially noticed because she was breathing much harder than the rest and not moving around about halfway through the feeding, when I listened closely I heard the sound of fluid catching each time she would inhale/exhale. She COULD breath and definitely was but it was still very concerning paired with the way she was just sitting there. I had done the baby heimlich maneuver when they were teenie tiny once when there was an obstruction but didn't know if I should try it with a larger kit and she WAS breathing so I just sort of crossed my fingers and prayed that she would cough it up soon. I checked on her an hour later and the sound was gone, and she was breathing much easier, though still not bouncing about like normal. Worry eased a bit and I went to sleep praying that she would be even better by morning and thank god, she was. Back to her normal self, fighting for the milk dropper. :bounce:
I'm going to put metal screen down in Clover's old cage and transfer the kits out there when the weather is nice during the daytime. I feel at this point in their lives they need more space to be active and the fresh air would be helpful as well. They just have such tiny feet it would be so hard for them to move around on the 1/2"x1" floor.
1 month old last Thursday and still so small. Gaston has overtaken Twilla in weight, they keep flipflopping for title of "biggest kit." I compared weights to previous litters and they are 1/3rd the size of normal.
Twilla – 5oz (+1.5oz)
Honey Buttered Biscuit – 4.2oz (+1oz)
Pipsqueak – 3.9oz (+1oz)
Gaston – 5.2oz (+1.8oz)
They are eating solid food now and I am needing to keep adding oats and pellets to their cage. They also love mulberry leaves, chickweed, and dandelion.
Oh.. so I just sexed them and good news! Twilla IS a doe so I don't need to rename her

But uh... Gaston needs a new name. :? Both of them are very much little ladies and Honey Buttered Biscuit? Male. Bah. Pipsqueak I also suspect is a male but it was hard to tell because of his/her fur down there and s/he was quite wiggly. Strange though, I wouldn't have expected the two largest to be does and the two smallest to be bucks.