So it looks like our raw milk share is up . Really bummed. We haven't gotten milk in the last two weeks, and I'm not confident about this next week. I miss making cheese, and I'm already starting to notice my asthma and allergy problems starting back up, which is making me even more bummed.
Soooo, not that I need another animal, but a milk goat or two is really starting look like an attractive option. They don't eat much, right? And I've had sheep before, and goats aren't that much different, so I pretty much have the basic care down besides needing to put up a nearly bulletproof fence at my mom's place. She has land and we'd be sharing chores and expenses, which is another thing starting to make this look like a reasonable choice.
I've also milked goats before, so I know how, but as they were a friends so I didn't have the constant chore. I guess I could always let the kids out with mom during the day and then lock them away at night and only milk in he mornings before turning the kids loose again....
Someone help me think this through? I feel like I'm crazy for considering another animal or two (or eight ifyiu take into account two does could easily have triplets...)
Soooo, not that I need another animal, but a milk goat or two is really starting look like an attractive option. They don't eat much, right? And I've had sheep before, and goats aren't that much different, so I pretty much have the basic care down besides needing to put up a nearly bulletproof fence at my mom's place. She has land and we'd be sharing chores and expenses, which is another thing starting to make this look like a reasonable choice.
I've also milked goats before, so I know how, but as they were a friends so I didn't have the constant chore. I guess I could always let the kids out with mom during the day and then lock them away at night and only milk in he mornings before turning the kids loose again....
Someone help me think this through? I feel like I'm crazy for considering another animal or two (or eight ifyiu take into account two does could easily have triplets...)