None of the photos are especially good shots for color guesses, but here goes...
Yes, those kits are definitely harlequin!
If Peter is an orange he'd be <ee> so he could not carry <e(j)>. But I can't see enough of the rabbit to be sure he doesn't have a stray darker mark or two on him courtesy of a harlequin allele; some harlequins are extremely lightly marked. Is that a sibling next to him? Because that one surely is harlequin, and it.. would lead you to suspect Peter could be too.
Likewise, I can't tell from the photos whether Raya has harlequin-type color variation or if the different colors are an effect of the agouti pattern and the lighting. Neither of her parents looks harlequinized, but again, I'd like to see more of her sire. And her self chocolate dam could be hiding an <e(j)> since in the homozygous condition that allele is covered up by <aa>.
So, it would be helpful if you could post some clear shots of the rabbits' side views and bellies (sometimes that's where you can find evidence of harlequinization in agoutis, especially).