Funny Bunny just wants to share

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She's still "off" this morning, but MUCH better than yesterday.
Her fever is down to a meager 99.7 (from 102.7 last night when that video was taken), and she's more alert and eating a few Cheerios.
HOWsMom":ozluwzud said:
She's still "off" this morning, but MUCH better than yesterday.
Her fever is down to a meager 99.7 (from 102.7 last night when that video was taken), and she's more alert and eating a few Cheerios.

Very happy to hear Bug is doing better today. :) That is a big improvement and she will likely be back to normal in another day or two. Kids bounce back so fast.
So sorry Bugs! Hope you come back soon. Get better fast! Why don't I get popsicles for dinner?! :evil: :D (On a side note, we really need you for the meme war. BWK and EE are not letting up.)
HOWsMom":p5yjs97j said:

I don't know if this will work or not - but I tried to get a short video too

Video didn't work for me... glad Bug is feeling better though
HOWsMom":1wzwshgx said:

That worked, so cute.
I've been told there is a nasty stomach virus going around here as well. :x

Skye came down with the snots and a sore throat yesterday. I'm seriously considering telling him he can't go play with the neighborhood kids until the sick season passes. Ugh.
Between the end of summer and weather cooling off forcing people back indoors more, and the back-to-school time creating petri-dish worthy germ fests, it is that time of year!

I'm hoping that this year we won't get his with the worst of it - all three kids are being homeschooled this time :D