Fun at Dutch Nationals

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
Amarillo TX
Took 5 rabbits to Nationals over the weekend. My jr choc doe decided to molt (very spectacularly) so her moment of glory was a 3rd in 'If I Only Had a Coat' and my boy bunnies looked nice & made the top 20 in their classes.

And then there were my 2 jr black does...
The one I hesitated to take placed 8th, the other one almost gave my hubby apoplexy!


Soooo glad he brought home the cute bunnies!
The win was fun, but what made the weekend really fun were all the people. I've shown lots of different critters in my life & never have I found a group that are as welcoming and friendly as rabbit folks! We walked into the show knowing a grand total of 4 people and left with new friends scattered all over the US...awesome!