Hey Miss M, please share that popcorn? 
Here ya go!Sagebrush":24y52xq6 said:Hey Miss M, please share that popcorn?![]()
JessiL":3669gtjw said:Looks great. I will be eagerly awaiting reports of how well the rabbits do when transitioned over!
FYI, my fodder producer here discovered that she could almost completely prevent mold issues by using just a bit of hydrogen peroxide in both the soaking and rinsing water. I hadn't heard of that used before (usually it's chlorine bleach), and that made me happy, since hydrogen peroxide will naturally oxidize very fast and just turn into water. Less worry to me that my bunnies were getting too much bleach!
Miss M":27utf8qk said:Looking very nice!!! I'm watching this space.![]()
Wooooooooooooooooow!grumpy":2bbx9n3g said:Miss M....
Remember that first flat of seeds I showed you? LOL Now....take a look.
It's the one on the far left. It's truly amazing how fast this stuff grows.
The middle flat is 24 hours behind.
The far right flat is 48 hours behind.
YES, I enjoyed!grumpy":2bbx9n3g said:Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for lookin'.
Okay, well that actually does give me something to go on. I really appreciate it!JessiL":2bbx9n3g said:Looking good! I'm glad it's going well!
Miss M and all - I'm afraid I don't know how much hydrogen peroxide. My friend said a "splash" into the bucket for the initial soaking water, and same thing for the rinsing. Maybe Grumpy will get by with just tap water for the rinsing/watering - she was growing hers in a greenhouse with lots of other plants, and perhaps mold was more prevalent there.
ckcs":qrgujfmp said:Looks great. I know fodder can save some coin but how is it as far as labor on your end? How much time do you think it would add to your week by doing it on a full scale?
grumpy":3pos5ind said:I seriously doubt I'll ever go completely to a fodder based diet. Number one,
you can have a "failure" in a days' production and the stock will go hungry.
We don't want that. Second: Sales of breeding stock will be going to folks
that feed strictly pellets and hay. We've got a problem of drastic diet change
right from the get-go.
the reluctant farmer":2np2jplo said:Grumpy,
I notice a different flavour to fresh fodder/forage/grain fed buns vs pellets, which I like. But to be truthful, I may be looking for a difference and wanting to see it as better. It would be interesting to do a blind, side-by-side taste test comparison.
Grumpy, I've been trying to reply and my computer kept crashing! You know, that's true--up in the midwest, where my relatives live, the deer used to live off wild forage, branches in winter, and what bits of crops might be left over after dairy farmers hsrvested for their family fsrms. The venison had a distinctly gamey flavour--particularly the swamp bucks. :x But now, 40+ years later, most of the small family farms are gone and a lot of the farmers have converted to commercial crops of acres & acres of soybean and/or corn. The venison I got from there last fall was fat and tasted like beef to me-which made sense, since they are heavily feeding on the same diet being pushed in commercial lots. (I'm also concerned about how the genetically engineered crops will affct wildlife, since they're now the mainstay of the deer's diet.) So I'm probably not imagining the taste difference in the bun meat. I'd be curious about impact of food flavours on meat flavours as well. I'm also interested in if vitamin & mineral content are enhanced in the final meat product--say for instance, in your apple juice experiment, would not only flavour be enhanced but the meat would have enhanced vitamin c? I am curious about the idea, although I see the potential to go too far.grumpy":1ovadxe9 said:You've raised an interesting subject. One that I've been rolling around in
my mind for quite a long while. "Flavor---due to diet."
I know for a fact that meat can be changed by diet. Just try to eat a squirrel
that's been dining on Hedge-apples. You can't get past the smell. It's awful.
mystang89":fk3yqlns said:Sorry, I just got a chance to look at this thread but how often do you change out the water? I use fresh water with every watering.
With the trays being tilted does the water make the seed slide to one side a bit? Only on the first tray. Afterwards, the root system holds itself in place.
Also how many cups of seed do you put in there?
18 ounces of Dry seed PER TRAY is measured then soaked overnight before being placed in the trays.
Again, sorry if these answers were answered.
mystang89":3jfueb97 said:Thanks, how big are your trays?