First time mom

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user 10847

Mar 12, 2024
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My Cinnamon/rex mix had 6-7 babies two nights ago. (all are alive) Mom seems rather thin and was wondering what I could give her to add just a little weight Don't want to give her mastitis When I check the babies I have been giving her a two inch piece of carrot.
My Cinnamon/rex mix had 6-7 babies two nights ago. (all are alive) Mom seems rather thin and was wondering what I could give her to add just a little weight Don't want to give her mastitis When I check the babies I have been giving her a two inch piece of carrot.
When I have lactating does that seem to be losing condition, I give them about a Tablespoon of BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds - you can buy them as wild bird feed) each day. It's a source of fat, which they need to make milk. I give it to them when I do nest checks, so that they're happy to see me come poking around in their box. ;)
If they've never had them before, it might take a day or two for them to realize it's food...
Would shelled organic sunflower seeds work? That is all I have at the moment
Yes, the seeds contain the fat. You can also give her uncooked oatmeal, as @Preitler says, or mix them and give her both. Another good source of fat is wheat germ oil. They don't usually like the taste of that, but you can stir a little bit into the seeds and/or oats. Wheat germ oil is rich in fat and Vitamin E, which is why I used it in the past. Don't use a ton of it; a little goes a long way, and too much vit E can cause as many problems as too little.
Would shelled organic sunflower seeds work? That is all I have at the moment
I hope you can manage to build her up, as by the time the litter is 3 weeks old they will really be draining her. That's when I'd expect a doe to lose condition, if she does.
She was always in really good condition but after her kits I can feel her spine Not a lot but she was never like that before She loves the sunflower seeds I gave her some straight alfalfa pellets (along with her pellets) but she will not touch them I has bee really cold here too so I gave her a lot of hay to lay on. Found out yesterday she had 11 That is way too much for a first time mom. I did notice that mom picked out some more fur for them last night It was 21 degrees. Their tummies have some milk but not a lot. The other female I have would not take so I do not have anyone to foster them off to. I might end up bottle feeding some of them. Anyone have a good replacer formula recipe in case I need it Thank you for all your help. I do have fresh goat milk.
If you can get nettle, that will increase her milk supply. You can find dried nettle at health food stores. If you're lucky to have stinging nettle in your lawn or garden, let it wilt (or heat it a bit) to get rid of the stinging oils.

For condition, you're doing good with the high fat content, might want to add some extra protein to help her build back the muscle she lost. Peas are a good source, and likely to already be in your freezer
No nettle yet. Still too cold (was 21 degrees again last night) but it is due to warm up soon. I can get some loose dried nettle at the organic store. Yes, I have peas and will try that Thank your so much for the help.