Finally a dream come true, lol :campfire: . My hubby went out and bought me a heater for the barn. So we can keep it warm enough where water bottles wont freeze and if we have kits I can worry less about them, so maybe just maybe no more Popsicle kits. Andddd comfort for me of course, this cold weather is hard on me, and I spend less time out there cause its to darn cold to do so. So I feel like my buns get neglected. ... tor-heater
I feel pretty confident it will be safe, it has a couple nice safety features I like. Discussing it with others, it gets warm on the outside but not enough to catch anything on fire like hair if it lands on it. But I'll have to be very observant. I don't have hay yet, so I'll come up with a safe way to feed hay this winter.
Next on my list is a camera so I can peek on them at night and during the day while at work, some more cages, and if I can convince my dad maybe expand the barn a little bit more. ... tor-heater
I feel pretty confident it will be safe, it has a couple nice safety features I like. Discussing it with others, it gets warm on the outside but not enough to catch anything on fire like hair if it lands on it. But I'll have to be very observant. I don't have hay yet, so I'll come up with a safe way to feed hay this winter.
Next on my list is a camera so I can peek on them at night and during the day while at work, some more cages, and if I can convince my dad maybe expand the barn a little bit more.