feeling worried

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
North Dakota
my parents will be bringing me two harlequin bucks from Wisconsin the third week in may. The older buck was born in october, so I am not as worried about him and travel from Wisconsin to ND. I am worried about the younger buck though. He will only be 6weeks old when my mom gets him from the breeder. So i am wondering how well he will travel that far. he will stressed at my parents place as it is. they have cats and two barky dogs. they cant keep the rabbits outside because there are lots of coyotes, foxes and stray cats where they are. I was thinking maybe they could have them in the upstairs of the house since its usually only used when us kids come to stay. my parents room is downstairs. so that may help with stress for the couple days they have the rabbits before they come. But what about the trip. it's at least a 14hr trip. so how can the stress for the younger one be eased for the trip. Is it the same as for older bunnies? putting plenty of hay on the bottom. putting a frozen water bottle in the cage to keep it cooler. cover it with blankets. I know the older one can be given a small potion of calming herbs, and 1/4 of an apple. But what of the younger one? am I just been more worried than I should be? I think it about 14hr trip from my parents place to my sisters place. my parents will be on the rd to nd the same time im on the rd to nd from colorado. so we should get there around the same time I think.
Aside from the things you already mentioned, the only thing I think would make it easier on him is if you get a sibling to travel with him... can you possibly arrange to get a doe from the same litter?
that Is an excellent idea. I will definitely ask her if I can buy two. He is in a litter of 8 I think. So I know they haven't all been claimed. Thank you for the suggestion :)