Feeding Rabbits Kale

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Mar 26, 2014
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Is it safe to feed rabbits kale? And if so, can I dehydrate it for use later in the year? I have a bunch of organically grown kale that was just given to me.
Kale is a brassica and as such needs to be fed with caution. I lost one of my nicest rabbits to a tiny bit of cauliflower leaf (much less than a 2" square) because of the bloating that plants in this family can cause. If you choose to feed it make sure you do like Dood said and give very small quantities. If your rabbit can handle it the many nutrients in kale will be a real boost to its health.
I used to buy kale for the adult rabbits on occasion and don't remember having any trouble with it given in small amounts. I haven't lately just because the grocery stores started keeping easier to digest plants in stock.
Italian parsley, cilantro, and even dandelion leaves.

One thing I have noticed over the years is that dried herbs and greens are often more easily processed by the buns than fresh ones. So if it were mine, I would dry it and feed it sparingly.
arachyd":2384jcf1 said:
Kale is a brassica and as such needs to be fed with caution. I lost one of my nicest rabbits to a tiny bit of cauliflower leaf (much less than a 2" square) because of the bloating that plants in this family can cause. If you choose to feed it make sure you do like Dood said and give very small quantities. If your rabbit can handle it the many nutrients in kale will be a real boost to its health.

Thanks, arachyd! What kind of bunny was it that you lost?
That is so weird! I grow lots of kale and other brassicas and feed them in fairly large quantities to my rabbits. Like a huge sized leaf a couple times a week.
I also feed mine kale when it's growing. I started out small, and now they get a big leaf at a time.
As everyone has said, start out with small amounts so the rabbits can develop the proper gut flora for it.

I know that MaggieJ feeds a lot of cabbage during the winter, and another of our members "Hoodat" is also a big fan of cabbage and kale for his rabbits.

What I like to do when introducing any new greens is to give the rabbits a ration of hay to nibble on for an hour or so to take the edge off of their hunger, and then offer the greens. That way they already have a mild food in their stomachs to "dilute" the new offering.

To be on the safe side you might want to make sure you have some simethicone drops for gas on hand.
I feed my NZ and Altex moderate amounts of kale and other brassicas without a problem. I did start out slow and increased the amount over time.
Parsley Graybuns, my 12-lb American Chinchilla, gets random kale and cabbage-plant leaves in the forage I gather for him from the garden. He might get two or three leaves in a "gathering" of rose branches, plantain, mallow (Malva), dandelion leaves, chicory leaves, chard leaves, arugula leaves & stems, a mint sprig or two, parsley, and some romaine.

He also has orchard grass hay available 100% of the time, and receives pellets as a nutritional back-up, just in case the other foods he's receiving don't provide everything he needs. So far (since 28 September 2013), no digestive problems! :D