Feeding Question

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
My housemate who raises Satin Angoras has a question or two regarding feed ratios.

She has issues using RT, so I told her that I would post the questions.

1. She is currently feeding Pen Pals 18% and Timothy hay; is this too high of a protein-fiber ratio (fed to both weanlings, juniors, and adults)?

2. If this is not too high or too low but, rather, just a bad combination, what would be a better one?

I would say no. Reason being, hair rabbits need extra protein for hair growth, and if she is steady feeding hay as part of the regular diet, then the overall protein % will be less. On a side note. I hate penpals. Worst rabbit feed I have ever used. No comparison.
HAir and fur require protein-- aextra biotin helps, as well. Vit B complexes (esp biotin) CDE are also necessary for good structure in cell walls-- and wool is dead cell walls stacked on top of each other--

So, higher protein levels, good sources of dietary B, C D and E vitamins Essential fatty acids, wile not permitting the animal to become obese...