Feed prices?

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Ottersatin, we really like Nutrena! Our rabbits do very well on it, and I think you would really like it.
I probably will like Nutrina,
but what I am aiming for is a closer solution.
I had quite a drive to get feed before and the place
that opened recently is only about ten or twenty
minutes away by car while the other was 45 or more minutes away.
If I can save a little on gas I can feel better about
the higher cost of the feed. Just trying to balance it out.
I will post when I reach a decision as to which feed and where.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: :lilbunny:
I could get Nutrena here locally, but my one drawback about getting it and feeding it is that there isn't enough salt in the feed itself, and the company on its own website even recommends using salt spools. I hate having to do that, as any moisture gets on those salt spools, it will rust out cage wire in a heartbeat.
Ottersatin I know how you feel! We stopped dealing with a certain store when they would decide out of the blue to switch suppliers like they were playing ping pong, back and forth, back and forth... told them outright that may be fine for someones' pets but for a show herd FORGETABOUTIT!! :angry: :angry:
I am thinking that since I was paying $14.50 per 50# bag
so if I am going to be paying even $15 or $16 per 50# bag
whatever4 I can save on gas will offset that unbalance.
After all, people who are buying your rabbits are not interested
in the fact that your feed cost has risen! They are only interested
in the fact that YOU might be raising the price of your rabbits.
In this economy that is a very bad thing. We all are feeling the sting
but nobody wants to pay more, of course when THEY are selling,
they want YOU to pay more. It's always different when the shoe
is on the other foot. [I continue to try to maintain low prices.]
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: :bunnyhop:

I know where you're coming from, and I feel for you on it. Just last weekend, I drove about 70 miles one way to get the new Pen Pals feed that I've started my herd on. Gas is expensive these days. Getting 18 miles to a gallon and travelling 140 miles round trip is significant no matter who a person is, and has to factor into the costs of doing anything, business or otherwise.

I'd tell you to just use Purina, but that would be a little hypocritical on my part, mainly since I just switched from it to another brand, so I won't go there. It's a good feed, but there are better options here locally. Hopefully, you will be able to find another dealer who carries feed in your area which works well for you.

Keep us posted on how it turns out for you.<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:41 pm __________<br /><br />
MaggieJ":3h84mgaq said:
The original Oren Reynolds feed formula, as quoted in Bob Bennett's book, contained antibiotics. I personally don't feel that routine medications are a good idea. I don't know if Farmer's Feed Mills in IL includes the antibiotic in their version of it, but I suggest anyone planning to use it should find out in advance.

I bought and used a bag of it from the breeder whom I got my first blacks and reds, and they continued to do very well on it until I started them on another feed. Not sure if it still is made with antibiotics in it, but as I said before, I'd use it exclusively and without hesitation if I could get it anywhere within 100 miles of here.

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