skysthelimit":74ahffu8 said:
Most of us are just at the place where we have more than one pet bunny. We don't even have our twinkly stars yet.
Some of us don't even know what "twinkly stars" are! Is that the thing that appears on the left in some folders here? What does it mean?
And yeah, I only have 7 adult rabbits (one acquired only yesterday) and we're just now finishing the hutches. I retired 2 months ago from teaching art, my mom taught elementary, HER mom taught elementary; my dad was an x-ray tech and his mom a nurse; short form, no one in my family was ever considered a farmer (though my mom said they did have a cow during WW2). I live between a Navy base and the city limits, and am sort of pushing the law even keeping rabbits in this neighborhood. Since I am starting so small, it never occurred to me to google feed stores, as the 25 pound bags last 2-3 weeks, and I go to that Walmart for groceries anyway. I asked my friends who DO live further out (though even they aren't considered "farmers", they're sort of at the border) where they got hay for their goats, and they mentioned T&C feed which is even farther away from me, plus I had no way to carry home their smallest bale. I will soon need that quantity though, so we're making arrangements for me to "kick in" when they buy theirs, and they'll break a bale to fit in my car. As for pellets, I am trying to get away from feeding those (what I *DID* google was all those lovely free books from 1850-1920), but my rabbit herd outpaced my garden!
Sorry if not knowing about a place called Tractor Supply seemed so dumb, but growing up being nearly the only kid NOT a "navy brat", and north of 9mile NOT being considered part of Pensacola in the 60's, I assumed saying I was "in Pensacola" explained it. BTW, calling it LA might be a joke NOW, but there was an actual attempt from Tallahassee 30 years or so to cut Escambia county off from state revenues, "because they're closer to Alabama", so yeah, I thought that was a "dig".

But I am MUCH better now!
__________ Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:13 pm __________
I was trying to find out exactly WHEN that happened, as it occurs to me it's been more than 30 years since I graduated from High School(dang I feel old now), but I found this. ... o-you.html Read SouthernNatureLover's answer, it pretty much explains my reaction, too.<br /><br />__________ Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:33 pm __________<br /><br />Oh and my husband just reminded me that Mobile and all of that coastal part of Alabama was actually originally part of FLORIDA! He's English, and so takes an even longer view of "history" - when first visiting our Historic District, he quipped "You do realize I have been in pubs older than this"?