Fair price for green pelt?

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
New Mexico
Green as in nothing processed.

I have a lady that wants green rabbit skins so she can tan them using the brain.

What is a fair price per skin?
I have no idea, other than the price would escalate depending on the age of the "donor rabbit". If you aren't going to process them yourself, anything is a profit.
Ah ok. I could do that even. lol

I guess if you aren't using them yourself they are only worth what you can get someone to pay for them. So ask what she is willing to pay. Its all profit if the other option is throwing them away.
It varies all over the lot depending on many factors. The age of the rabbit (The older the rabbit the thicker the skin), its' markings, breed, time of year (cold weather produces better fur). Rex are the preferred breed because of the velvety texture. Their hides also shed a lot less. Long haired pelts from rabbits like angora are seldom used because they never stop shedding no matter how well they are tanned.
Rabbits are at the low end of fur bearers in price seldom bringing more than a couple of dollars. If you don't have raw food diet customers for the heads you could just throw theem in free.
My grandma used to say,"Every critter has just enough brains to tan their own hide". Then she'd stare at me and say,"Except you". :D