Facebook pros and cons

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
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North Carolina
I'm debating with myself about whether to set up a facebook page for my rabbitry. I don't have a facebook personally... I already have a website. I sell rabbits for show/meat breeding, show rabbits (but I don't show), and for raw feeders. Occasionally for pet, but I don't really like selling pets...

Could you all tell me the pros and cons of having a facebook for your rabbitry?

So far, this is what I know:

Pros: a whole lot more people look at facebook than at a website
Cons: chance of AR people ruining my rabbitry increases, and facebook doesn't like meat rabbit breeders.

Also, is there much benefit in connecting with other rabbitries on facebook, or rabbit groups, or something?
Kyle@theHeathertoft":342iqxj1 said:
How is FB not meat rabbit friendly? There's several groups (some pretty huge) just FOR meat rabbit folk! :)

Yes, there are...Meat Rabbits and Backyard Meat Rabbits, to name two of them. I do suggest though that if you set up a page for your rabbitry, make it a business page and not a personal page, or they will delete the account. I get a LOT of business thru FB.
There are several meat groups as Kyle as said. There is just as much chance as an AR running across your website, personal ad, etc if it is public they can see it. You may end up with more contacts through FB, just simply because it is easier to click a few times and type. You can edit preferences on posts a bit for your page. It also provides a simple way to share more pictures and little tid bits you may want to that your website just can't. I know some breeders keep their website with their main stock, contact, for sale pages but their FB has baby pictures and information on the rabbitry itself on a day to day basis. I plan on having more baby pictures on my FB page to share than on my site, can take more pictures and post on FB than the site itself. It also provides a way to keep up with some people that you'd otherwise not be able to. Plus find stock easier too if go looking. I use the Agriculture/Farming slot, not a business as that could be trouble. I don't run for profit or as a business in general, its a hobby.
Thanks! I've just heard a couple horror stories about AR people finding meat rabbit breeders on facebook... Maybe it was exaggeration, or maybe I'm just not remembering right?
Can any breeder join those meat breeder groups? I'm not an ARBA member.
I think I will join facebook then.

__________ Mon May 26, 2014 7:43 pm __________

How can I make a business page without a personal page? <br /><br /> __________ Mon May 26, 2014 7:46 pm __________ <br /><br /> OK, nevermind... you can't make a business page without a personal account.
Thing to remember with FB is that should use the same level of caution as with any other ad; no home address or number. No full name or exact location, no detailed schedule, etc. I do use my name and a cell number though, in this day and age with work and school I don't think I could keep my name off even if I wanted to any way. The cell is just a disposable way for me to contact people, the home region for it isn't even where I live.

Should also note I use a separate email for FB. I've had friends get hacked lately, one still can't get her account back sadly. Another good thing to do is, back up what you want at the time you've got it in front of you (should be with other things but FB tends to be worse). Some times things just glitch and you loose it.
Thanks for all your replies! I'm only putting a nearby city, my name (first and last only), and my email address. <br /><br /> __________ Mon May 26, 2014 10:15 pm __________ <br /><br /> What are some good groups to join for selling/advertising your rabbits?
There's usually state-oriented groups...I follow the sales and breeding groups for Michigan and Ontario (since I'm in both often enough, LOL) and I'm sure there's one for your state. :)
Thanks! I'll look for state-specific sales groups. Since I don't have a personal account, and don't plan on using the one I had to create for the business page, facebook can be a little confusing at times...
I've actually completely ended the use of email on my website, and have linked it to my Facebook buisness page. This way, if they flake out, I have their picture and facebook holds on to the conversation! I usually check out their profile/pics to make sure they are legit. It's a good way to get the quickest updates from me
FB is a no-brainer for any business IMO

I'm not too far from making one myself, all farm business page.

You do need to have an alternate contact source though for those "who don't facebook".

I even got one of those credit card swipers for my phone :lol: it was free and all transactions only have a 2.7% fee.

the big hay producers around my area complain about small time hay buyers who can only afford 1/2 ton or want to pay later etc etc
That's a problem I intend to solve, no minimum sized hay purchases and 3% surcharge for CC transactions.

expensive way to buy hay!