Thank you!! I'll look into that website. If you don't mind my asking SableSteel, how did you transport your rabbits from her? I'm also looking for new bloodlines. There are only two breeders I can find here in TN, and one of them has decided not to talk to me at all after I asked if they'd have any rabbits to sell in December, when I'd be in the general area and we'd be able to decide a meeting place. The other breeder is where I got my rabbits from, and she is an absolute gem. I love working with her. She always keeps to schedules for meetings unless something she couldn't control happens, and always gives me a hard copy of pedigrees and emails me copies <br /><br /> __________ Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:23 pm __________ <br /><br /> Thank you!! I'll look into that website. If you don't mind my asking SableSteel, how did you transport your rabbits from her? I'm also looking for new bloodlines. There are only two breeders I can find here in TN, and one of them has decided not to talk to me at all after I asked if they'd have any rabbits to sell in December, when I'd be in the general area and we'd be able to decide a meeting place. The other breeder is where I got my rabbits from, and she is an absolute gem. I love working with her. She always keeps to schedules for meetings unless something she couldn't control happens, and always gives me a hard copy of pedigrees and emails me copies