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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
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My normally very active, friendly rabbit is acting very strange. We have taken him to the beach with us, and his cage is set up indoors. He usually runs around and comes up to you when you come over to his cage, and now he just lays there. It started yesterday when we got here, and I just figured he was catching up on his sleep after the long drive. But today he is still just laying around. He will stand up, hop a couple steps, then lay back down. I don't know why he is doing this, but we are extremely worried. What could this be?
What kind of cage is he in. Is he on the floor? Is it possible there was some cleaner or pesticide he could have gotten into?
He is in a cage that you would get at the pet store, with the solid bottom. He is on the carpet but he hasn't come out. Could this be due to stress from moving him?
Is it very hot? Heat stroke is a possibility. Try spritzing or damping down his ears to help him cool off it you think this may be the problem.

Is he eating and drinking? Are his poops normal?

It could be stress from the long drive. Keep him cool (not cold) and quiet. Try to keep him eating and drinking something. I can't think of anything else to suggest.
We put an ice pack in there for a few minutes and he laid next to it. Everything I have found has said that all of the symptoms are leading to stress due to the travel.
Do you mean you literally took him to the beach or just with you on vacation? Beach sand would be dangerous to a rabbit if eaten.
For most of my pets (iguana, rabbits, birds... not the dogs), the stress of travel is too much. Only as a last resort have I taken any small animal on a long car ride, and they usually get a very mild sedative for the ride, and spend the next day or so in a cool dark and quiet room, with ACV in thier water to encourage drinking.
For some, even having company over, or decorating the house different can be very stressful (lizards don't like change, and rarely enjoy it if I have frequent visitors). But then, those are also the ones who want a very quiet home.
I often take bunnies suffering from GI problems with me when I go away for the weekend (hubby and the kids take good care of all the healthy ones, but any sick ones are beyond their abilities)... ACV, good hay, a cool room, a familiar cage and dishes, and frequent tummy massage to check for blockages/movement (and helps move things along) all seem to help. The change in water can be a problem for sensitive tummies, so I take a few jugs from home, too.
For the trip home, try keeping him away from drafts, but cool and slightly dark. And quiet really does help...
Sorry everyone for not replying. Just got home. My dad took him home after a week (we were there for 2) and as soon as he got home, he was perfectly fine. I guess he's just a home-bunny ;) Thanks everyone! He was also going through an awful molt at the time, so this problably didn't help the situation any.