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RR MiniSatins

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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What the heck? 4.7 earthquake in northern arizona? No damage, but it sure shook us up a bit. First for me.
The idea of an earthquake is always scary, even when it doesn't do damage. Glad you're safe.

I can remember three earthquakes here in Southern Ontario. One was strong enough to shake dishes on a shelf. One I was on the eleventh floor of an office building and you could really feel the shaking. The third one was after we moved here and we barely felt it. A truck going by on the road would make that much vibration.
That's scary. We had a small one in Upstate NY once... I slept through it but the cat I had at the time was freaked out. Did your animals act differently?
The dogs woke up too, but they were pretty calm, it was me that kinda freaked out! LOL I've never felt anything like that before, thought we were pretty safe in Arizona but this is the second one in two weeks. First one was much milder.
I would have been freaked out if I was awake. LOL. I had a single cat and was woke up by her frantically running all over and jumping up on me, but didn't know it was an earthquake until I turned on the TV later. It was a small tremor, but like you... we're not in an area where we're expecting that.
Call me weird, but I like earthquakes. :roll: Where we live now, we actually hear them coming before we feel them. :p

The 1994 Northridge quake at a magnitude of 6.7 was a scary one, though- mostly because it lasted so long! :x

I always seem to wake up before they hit, and it was no different with that one.

The really bizarre thing is that I dreamt of the police officer that went off the end of the collapsed overpass- I actually saw him driving into the sun, so the glare prevented seeing the missing overpass until it was too late. I saw him fly off the end and start plummeting down- and I assume that is when I woke up because I didn't see an impact. :x

It was only later that morning when I was on the phone with a friend that I remembered. She was talking about him, and I said "I saw the footage of that on the news this morning!" and she said "What are you talking about? They didn't film that!"

I am still haunted by the imagery, and can't figure out "why" I "saw" it happen, when there was nothing I could do to help. :(
EnglishSpot":vv7vl2kx said:
Maybe you're on the same geologic wavelength as animals when it comes to earth tremors??

Well, I am "MamaSheepdog", after all! ;)

EnglishSpot":vv7vl2kx said:
What does an earthquake sound like??

It is hard to explain- but it is a rumbling roar, kind of like the sound of a distant freight train.
When this one hit, it sounded like a car hit the house or a tree fell on it, quite a loud bang. Then rumbling while the house shook till it finally quit.