ohiogoatgirl":1l7k72q3 said:
so vienna marked bred to a blue eye means like all vienna mark and/or blue eyes?
Not entirely, most vienna marked rabbits have blue eyes or partially but not all of them.
The presence of the gene correlates with the rabbits bodycolor and invisible modifiers.
For example.
Most chestnut and solid blacks vm's keep their original brown eyes, you rarely see them with blue eyes but it does happen.
I like to believe that dominant colors like chestnut, black suppress the vienna gene and try to hold it down, does this make sense?
However if you have a strong line of vienna marked rabbits, they can overthrow the outcrossed dominant genes because they already settled down and build up their position.
The 2 vienna marked parents of my bew threw very funky marked vienna's with 50% to 75% white in them.
The way i like vienna's and want my line to be.
But my bew doe bred with a non-vienna Rew has thrown vienna marked with little markings, some only had a spot on the nose, a small snip or blaze on the head and 1 of the 2 shoulders being white. Probaby because the buck comes out of a black/steel/agouti line without any vienna, supressing the genes of the doe. And none of them had blue eyes, just 1 had a blue snip in one eye and that was it.
Bred the same doe to a black tort vm buck and 4 the vienna marked kits have 50% white, more than her previous litters with the rew buck. This means that the bucks modifiers adds up with hers so the kits get more white and obvious markings.
So if i keep selecting for vienna rabbits with good markings, then i'll probably get to see more of those kits in future litters since the amount of modifiers is crushed together.
Blue eyes show easier on blue based rabbits and more easily on recessive colors like tort, shaded.