Doe Spastic at 19 Days

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Miss M

Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jan 20, 2010
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We bred Pearl and Squeak 19 days ago. A little while ago, my mom and I went to check on the rabbits, like we do every night, to feed them and make sure they have water, and to scratch heads and so forth.

I noticed that Pearl was scratching at her floor and biting at it, seemingly trying to dig. I figured she was having a pregnancy-related hormone swing, so I went to fill her hay ball to give her something else to think about. When I brought the ball back, she grabbed a whole bunch of hay at once that was sticking out, and started jerking trying to get it out. It wouldn't have been an issue for her to get it out one piece at a time like she normally would eat it, but getting that much out at once was another matter.

I indulged her by holding the hay ball so she could yank away, and she did. I finally lost my grip, and she jerked that ball all over the cage until she finally got the mouthful of hay she wanted out of it.

She took it, and started picking up stray pieces of hay on the floor to cram into her mouth as well, and digging at corners and shoving the hay into the corners, but never letting go of the hay. She would go to another corner and repeat this. She was like a possessed bunny! I finally decided I'd better give her a nest box or she was going to go mad. So I did.

When I left her, the only acknowledgment she had given to the box was going around or over it to get to the corner on the other side of it. Around and around the cage she went, digging and shoving, but keeping the hay, and acting like a driven rabbit.

Is she miscarrying? Is there anything I can do? :( This would be her second litter, and she didn't do this the first time around. She didn't go nuts until day 31, in the hours right before she had the babies. And she did go crazy at that point.
Miss M,
Are you certain that Pearl was not bred at an earlier date?
This certainly seems like she is in a hurry to build a nest.
I would move the nestbox to the corner she prefers to build in, just in case
she IS pregnant and knows just what she is doing.
If you are positive on the breed date then this could be a sign of false pregnancy.
This usually happens around day 17.
I hope She is right And you are surprised with a nice sized litter soon.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
The only time I have had does do that is during a false pregnancy if the bred date is accurate. Who knows though- sometimes I think they act bizarre just to drive us crazy. Can't hurt to keep a nestbox with her as long as she isn't using it as a litter box.

Best of luck!

I agree with Ottersatin and Hendrickshearth... either there is a mistake in the dates or she is having a false pregnancy. Either way, treat her like she is about to kindle. The situation should resolve itself one way or the other within a few days.
I was afraid of that.

I am sure about the date she was bred... but I'm hoping I was wrong. After a long summer with no kits, we need to see some full nests!

Like y'all said, I hope it's Pearl who is right... if she is, I'd better give Squeak a nest box as well! I think I'll do that, just to be on the safe side.

I wrote down the date we bred them, but I have to be honest, I'm not sure how long after breeding I recorded it. Still, I had written last time that Pearl was due October 18. I was still hoping for popples for several days after that, and so I am positive that I didn't breed her again until the following Sunday, which was the 24th. I wasn't expecting to put a nest box in until November 20th, and not expecting popples until around the 23rd.

I wish I could say there's a decent chance I'm off by a week, but I don't think there is. :cry_baby:

I'll give Squeak a nest box just in case, and watch the cleanliness of the hay in both of them.
day 19 give her a box, let her play, she'll make a nest, she'll ignore the box, her craving will be met. happy bunny. :) as long as it is post day 15 usually indicative of impending babies. :)
When they are nest building they go on autopilot and are oblivious to everything except mouthfuls of hay, hair and imaginary dirt to dig burrows in. Each rabbit has its own schedule of when they do this but it seems to be mostly preparation well before the actual kindling and serious hair pulling. One of mine regularly does this 2 weeks after being bred. Then she basically ignores what she's done for 2 more weeks. When it is time to kindle she begins pulling the rest of her hair and totally redoes the nest in time for the kits.
Well, as soon as ILoveBunnies gave Squeak a nest box, she went on a nesting craze like Pearl was on last night. When she and Bunny-Wan Kenobi checked later, there was a tunnel in her nest box like in Pearl's, but no fur or anything.

It's a relief to know that they aren't necessarily both miscarrying! Thank y'all!! Here's hoping we get baby bunnies in a week and a half! :)