Doe pulling excess fur/skin issues

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Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Hi Ya'll!
I've never ran across this and I'm wondering if any of you have and have any recommendations...
We recently bred our favorite bun for the first time.
She has done a great job, despite being a tiny jersey wooly she had six gigantic babies and all have been nice and plump and seem to be eating very well. (She was over-due, and I was actually worried that she was dying and I was going to bring her inside to comfort her as she passed when I found the babies)

My concern isn't with the health of the kits, but with the momma.
She build the most extensive nest I've ever seen. I'm not kidding. It's ridiculously fantastic.
Despite that she pulled hair halfway up her sides, and her front legs are bare, and every day it looks like she has pulled even more. We've now reached the point where she is more than halfway up her sides.

Now she looks like she is developing a skin issue. It looks like maybe she had some bleeding in a few spots, and feels dried out, and her skin is very flaky.
Has anyone else had a doe do this? Do you know of anything I can/should put on her skin to help her?
Is she maybe doing it because of nerves?

She was very cold to the touch so I'm about to go out and winterize her pin and it's barely October! We usually don't need to do that until the end of October, some years not until Thanksgiving or Christmas! I'm going to give her some straw to lay on also, we usually give them all a nice straw nest during the winter, but this is early for us to be doing this.
Keeping her warm is important since she's missing fur. it sounds like you have that part covered.

You might also consider dusting her with food grade diatomaceous earth, just in case there are fur mites irritating her and complicating the situation.
Yes, I have and other members have as well. It seems to be common in the wool breeds, for some odd reason. Here is a thread that discusses it and showcases naked bunnies:


PinkPenguin":ua7xopwr said:
Do you know of anything I can/should put on her skin to help her?

I used "Udderly Smooth" lotion on my JW, and the redness and flaking were gone by the following day. :)
Thank you! Sorry my "thanks" took so long, I thought I had posted one, must've not sent properly!
I've ordered some udderly smooth on amazon, should be here soon. Hopefully it helps! I don't see any fur mites, but one of the kits has some dry skin around the ear I'm keeping an eye on. Looks like normal dryness. When we took in rescue bunnies in July I had to deal with fur mites, but they were kept on another side of the property until it cleared up and not exposed to this area, or this bunny. Still yet, I've been on the watch...
PinkPenguin":2wdsxswr said:
I've ordered some udderly smooth on amazon, should be here soon.

I would apply some type of lotion to her right away- something fairly natural, if possible. You could even just use olive oil. It is all natural and very good for the skin. <br /><br /> -- Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:25 pm -- <br /><br />
PinkPenguin":2wdsxswr said:
Sorry my "thanks" took so long, I thought I had posted one, must've not sent properly!

Don't worry about that- we aren't here for the "thanks". Just want your bunny to be okay. :)

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