Doe having trouble

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
My devil bunny is having some problems.

She was due to kindle last Wednesday, but with the heat wave she gave birth prematurely and all the kits (five that I found) were still born. We have been giving our rabbits frozen bottles for the heat and I put a sprinkler on top of their shelter to help cool them down. She was not showing any major signs of heat distress during all this.

Since then she has been having trouble with her balance. She is eating and drinking, but is wobbly on her feet when moving around. We brought her inside and she has been living in the bathtub for the last day and a half. She seems to be getting better and is moving around a bit more, but was wondering if there were anything we could do to help her.

So far we have added a little sugar and salt to her water as was suggested by a friend and kept her cool. Amazingly she has not tried to chew my fingers off either.

Any suggestions?
I'm not sure what may be going on, but three possibilities come to mind.

1. Neurological damage to the brain due to heat. No treatment that I know of.

2. Inner ear infection.

3. Wry neck (e. cuniculi)

For more information on wry neck and treatment:

I hope you can help her. :clover:
Not Wry neck as far as I can tell.

Most likely nerve damage due to heat or stress from trying to kindle in the middle of a heat wave. Will monitor her for awhile longer before we decide if she is actually recovering or not.