I was going to post something about allergies too. I thought I'd weigh in on this because my Standard Rex doe started sneezing when her litter was under 2 months old. I got her last fall, so I didn't notice this sneezing before. They shake their heads and sneeze 10 times in a row, but there is no discharge or irritation that I can detect. I thought it was the a different feed I got at Jax, that had shorter 'barrels' and more dust--she was eating out of a bowl instead of a feeder, you could see the dust on her snout. I took the kits out to their own cage, and she stopped sneezing. Then, the kits started sneezing, not all of them, less than half. They have been out on the grass, not eating pellets. So, seasonal allergies? I dunno, but my thought was to treat them with homeopathy (I'm a classical homeopath.) The problem is there isn't much of a symptom picture, other than the sneezing.
Also, her first litter is still here, they are just about 6 months old, and I observed one male doing the sneezing. The sire is not sneezing. Should I get rid of this doe, she's a great mother. I only raise these Rex's for the fur.